Braids and Beads (Kili)

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the most annoying thing is it doesn't have a reason to be acting up. just wants to act up.



You smirked, flanked on every side by dwarves. You didn't mind of course, they were protecting you with everything they had. You see, you were a female, a dwarrowdam at that, which meant you were quite rare. The dwarrowdam population was thinning out badly as it was, so your life meant everything to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield.

You hadn't joined them from the beginning; Dain Ironfoot had sent you to meet the Company in Bag End, being his best warrior. He knew that they could use an extra fighter, and the womanly advice and influence. They all appreciated your contribution to the Company and quest, as well as enjoyed your presence and influence, but they were EXTREMELY protective of you, nearly never leaving your side, for fear of losing you. Dwalin seemed particularly attached to you, and you to him, as he greatly reminded you of your father.

All throughout the journey, each member of the Company would ask you questions about yourself, about life in the Iron Hills, what your journey to Bag End was like (Thorin kept his question of how easy it was for you to find Mister Baggins' house to himself), and if you were courting anyone (from the younger dwarves).

When it came to the last question, you would always blush and say that no one back home was waiting for you, and, sighing, state that you would probably never find your One. Not that this statement was altogether untrue; it was very rare that a dwarrow or dwarrowdam found their One.

However, this caused a certain dwarf to determine himself to make you see that you were his One. He knew it deep down in himself that the two of you were meant to be together. He had come across quite a few women in the short time he had lived (and been old enough to like girls, creatures who had been 'icky' not long ago), and none of them affected him like you did.

So when the Company stayed in the house of Beorn, for rest and shelter from their own host, Kili decided to make his move. He approached you as you set up your bedroll on the prickly hay of the barn, and timidly tapped your shoulder. You jumped, and turned around quickly to see Kili standing there, a sheepish smile on his handsome face.

"Oh, it's you, Kili!" you laughed, "You scared me!"

"Sorry," he apologized quietly, but before you had the chance to tell him it was all right, he continued, "May I.." he cleared his throat, "May I braid...braid your hair, Miss (Y/n)?"

It was odd to see the cocky prince so nerve-bound, but you agreed to his proposition happily, your squeal of delight alerting every other dwarf. 

"Can we braid your hair too, lassie?" Bofur asked with a grin on his face. All the dwarves seemed to have this strange fetish for your hair; it was long, wavy, and bright, bright red. Nothing special in your eyes. But to them, they must've thought it the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Sure," you consented, "but Kili gets to have his go first. He did ask first," you said, smiling at him sweetly, causing the prince to blush madly.

"All right then," he said, "go ahead and sit. It'll be easier to get to your hair that way."

You complied and sat down on your bedroll, and Kili quickly got to work. In no time, he had finished, but before you had the time to admire it, Bofur was already taking strands of your hair and twisting them together to make an equally lovely braid (you guessed, you couldn't even see the first one). One by one, each and every single member of the Company had put their mark in your hair with the braids of their families, each one being unique and beautiful. Even Bilbo joined in the fun, taking advice from Ori on how to weave in a handful of daisies he had found outside of Beorn's house.

As the members of the Company went back to their previous tasks, knowing smiles on their faces that they only showed behind your back, you held up each braid in front of you to examine it. Each one was more beautiful than the last, and you eventually arrived at the braid Kili had put in your hair. 

You were surprised to feel something heavy at the end of the braid, and held it up to see, with complete surprise, that a bead was hanging from the end of your braid, ending it and preventing it from coming unraveled very easily. A bead. Kili's bead. Kili's courting bead.

With a shriek of realization and shock, you ran to the dark-haired dwarf, catching him by surprise, and planted your lips on his. Your face was burning, your heart pounding furiously with excitement, and you didn't want to let go or pull away. 

The rest of the Company cheered, hooted, whistled, and paid up on bets.

You and Kili only broke the kiss to gulp down some much needed air, but after you caught your breath, Kili pulled you right back in for another kiss that turned your legs to jelly.

You wouldn't have changed any of this for the world.

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