Last Words (Thorin x Adopted Daughter!Reader) (Part 2?)

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Alright guys, EnyaFeder asked particularly for this one to be as sad as possible, so if this makes you cry, blame her. 😉😉 I hope you like this, and that you have a Kleenex or two nearby. I'm writing this at 12:20 PM, and we all know my writing is its best and angstiest when it's late and I'm tired. Here we go.


"Ugh! Khagam, this is ridiculous!!" (Y/n) yelled once again, absolutely infuriated. (Pretty sure that's Khuzdul for 'father/dad,' correct me if I'm wrong. Feel free to laugh and mock. I deserve it for not looking it up 😂)

"It is not," Thorin countered in a controlled tone, although he sounded like he was close to his breaking point. "I merely am doing what is best for you, and that is to forbid you from going near that foul place."

"But all my friends are going to the pub!" (Y/n) insisted. "I am old enough, just as they are! Why can't I go?!"

"Because," Thorin retorted, his voice raising and becoming more harsh, "it is too dangerous!"

"Then come with me if you're too afraid to let me go alone!"

Thorin shook his head. "A tavern is the last place in Middle Earth I'd want you to be attending, (y/n). I will not allow you to go! And that is final!!"

"It's not fair!!!" she nearly screamed, stomping her foot angrily on the wooden floor.

Thorin had just about had it at this point. "Enough!!!" he roared. "Go to your room!!!"

His daughter huffed and stomped her way to her bedroom at the back of the house, her heated tempter evidently expressed in every thomp thomp thomp her thick boots made against the floor. She slammed her door with every ounce of her strength, and flopped uncerimoniously onto her fluffy bed.

"It's not fair," she seethed into her pillow as she turned to look at the stuffed unicorn sitting close by on the bed, a gift from her father that she had acquired upon her 10th birthday. "You don't think it's fair, do you, Rainbow?"

Rainbow the Unicorn did not respond, he simply gazed at her with his stitched-on black button eyes.

"Father is stupid, isn't he?" she scoffed, sitting up. The movement caused Rainbow to topple over onto his side, and (y/n) picked him up with a snort. "I'll take that as a yes."

She cradled the animal close to her chest. It had been a symbol of love, fun, and comfort ever since she had received it. But now, (y/n) blocked out all sentiment it had connected with her father, and merely used it as her metaphorical punching bag.

"I hate him," she hissed, the thought of his refusal to let her attend the tavern for a few drinks with her friends infuriating her once more. "Why can't he just let me be happy? I thought he loved me!" She rose from her bed and began pacing her spacious room. "If he loved me at all, he'd let me go!"

And that's when it came to her.

"I'll run away," she whispered, a ghost of a smile daring to flit across her lips. "I'll run away, and then we'll see if he truly cares about me!" She grinned at Rainbow the Unicorn, not giving the poor toy much choice in the matter.

(Y/n) tossed the stuffed animal into a rucksack, along with an old book, her journal, portable inkwell, and quill, and her secret stash of food she kept in a hidden compartment of her desk drawer. She hurriedly climbed and jumped out the window (quite easily, since it was only about three feet above the ground), smiling all the way. "Finally," she muttered, "I'll be free from Father."

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