If You Love Her, Let Her Go...Or Maybe Not? (Fili x Hobbit!Reader)

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For EleanorLearn, this might be short, I'm SOOOOO sorry this is so late, this is ridiculous! >.<


You sat on the riverbank outside of Dale, your feet dangling in the cool rushing water. You had been out for hours and hours, and the thought was nagging your mind...what would Fili say?

>>>hours earlier<<<

"Fili!" you shouted from across the blond prince's office room, "Fili, I have an idea!" You had always been instilled with an adventurous spirit, but today you'd been inspired by a book you'd just finished: The World Outside Your Home.

"What is it, dearest?" Fili responded with exasperation clear in his voice.

"Can we go exploring outside Erebor's walls? Please?" The grin on your face was huge, and your eyes were alight with anticipation.

"You know we cannot do that, love," he said despondently. "You are not allowed outside the kingdom walls without proper escort, and this is hardly the time for that. Besides, I've got about a thousand different papers to sign and people to meet, so I would not have the time to accompany y-"

"You just don't care!" you shouted. This caused Fili to look up from his paperwork with a shocked look on his face.

"That is ridiculous, amrâlimê." He brushed your accusation off as if it were nothing and returned to his papers. "You know I care about you and what you wish to do, we just cannot go outside. It is too dangerous."

Tears welled up in your eyes as anger boiled in your stomach. "This isn't going to work if you can't make time for me!" you cried and ran out of the room.

Fili rolled his eyes and continued his work, not giving your outburst another thought. Females, he scoffed to himself. Such ridiculous creatures.

>>>present time<<<

Maybe I was overreacting a bit, you thought to yourself. After all, Prince Fili was a busy man, and it was dangerous and unpredictable outside the kingdom's walls. But then again, you had gotten all the way past Dale without a single scratch.

Suddenly, you heard something crashing through the bushes behind you, and you stood, immediately unsheathing your sword.

To your surprise, Fili shot through the shrubbery, and you dropped your weapon in shock.

He rushed towards you, engulfing you in a hug, which you returned. "(Y/n)!" he shouted, his voice painted with relief and sorrow at the same time. "I thought you were dead, I did not know where you'd gone, I-I didn't know what happened to you!! Mahal, don't ever run off like that again!!"

You smiled and nuzzled into Fili's neck, breathing in his scent of warm sunshine and pipeweed. "I am sorry my love, I won't do it again."

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