Another Thief (Bilbo)

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As Thorin and the rest of his company gazed at the nostalgic wonders of Erebor, all you could think about was who would be retrieving the Arkenstone. Gandalf hadn't specified between you and Bilbo when he had introduced you to Thorin as the company's 'burglar.' So who was going in incognito?

Well, turned out it was you. And you had never seen Bilbo so furious in your entire time of knowing him. And his temper could definitely flare up from time to time. He tended to be very protective of you, especially since you two were lovers.

"What?!" Bilbo practically screamed at Thorin after he announced that you would be sent in to find and bring back the King's Jewel. "Why would you send her in?? What if something happens to her?!"

You gently placed your hand on Bilbo's arm, attempting to soothe him. "Calm down dearest, I'll be fine."

He turned to you and pointed his index finger in your face. "No! No, you're staying right here! There is no way on Middle Earth I am letting you go in there, where a dragon lies, just waiting for you to come in unsuspectingly, and then STRIKE!"

You flinched at the sudden volume in his voice.

"Pretend I said all that without shouting." He winced a bit, looking at the floor.

You nodded. "But I'll be okay. I know I will. I've been through a lot on this journey, Bilbo. We all have. You and I, we've changed. For the better, I'm sure. I can do this." You gently placed a hand under his chin, forcing him to look into your beautiful (e/c) eyes. "Please trust me, love."

It seemed like an eternity before Bilbo gave you his hesitant answer. He simply gazed into those deep, mesmerizing pools of color, never wanting to look away, wishing he could stay there forever. "Alright."

In the end, you came out safe and sound, with the Arkenstone no less, although you didn't tell Thorin. Smaug was now about to unleash his vengeance upon poor little Laketown and all its inhabitants. But Bilbo could not have been more relieved or glad to see you come out of there alive and well.


Thanks to MostFandoms for the request! I'm sorry it's so short, I hope the feels were there enough for you😁

See y'all soon!

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