Obsessive Compulsive Crazy Love (Thorin)

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Cuz who doesn't love naked baby Thorin pictures?😂😂dawww
Sorry I haven't gotten anything out my lovelies...I'm such a horrible author.
I'm trying to get myself back on track.
This is gonna be mostly Thorin fluff, if you don't like it you can leave. 😂


You sat on the huge feather bed in the royal chambers, your favorite book cradled in your hands.

You weren't really paying attention however, as you stared at the words floating on the pages. Your mind was occupied with thoughts of your husband, Thorin. When would he come back to your chambers? Would he be finished with his kingly duties any time soon?

Sighing, you slammed your book shut and set it on the nightstand. You hopped up off the bed and skipped around the room, thoroughly bored.

"The floor is fire!!" you suddenly shouted, jumping to land safely on a huge rug. Of course, there was no harm anywhere to speak of, but this was a game you had played with your siblings when you were much younger. Sure it was childish, and yes you must've looked ridiculous, but it was fun.

After quickly scanning the room, you found that the last place to go for refuge was the bed. There weren't many rugs on your bedroom floor; the designers had decided that one large one would've looked much more regal than many smaller ones.

You took a deep breath and let out a battle cry, leaping from the fringed edge of the tapestry-like rug to the large mattress, and bounced upon your landing. "Yes! I emerge victorious!" you cried giddily. Flopping onto your back, you let out a groan of the returning boredom.

"When will Thorin be here?!" you grunted.

Just then, you heard the doorknob turn and click, and you bounded from the bed to reach the door. "Thorin!!" you screeched excitedly.

"Hello, my love!" Thorin cried as he wrapped his strong arms around you in a tight hug.

"I missed you terribly," you whined as you sloppily kissed his bearded cheek.

"Did you now, my dear? I'm sorry," Thorin crooned, and claimed your lonely lips in a loving kiss. "I've just been so busy lately; I am to reestablish trade with the newly built Dale and...Mirkwood," he sighed heavily, not enjoying the fact that he had no choice but to trade with the elvenking of the former Greenwood.

"You know what'll make you feel better?" you chirruped with a smile, determined to keep your husband in a good mood.


"Exercise. It will get your blood flowing and your spirits high," you assured him, as he had given you a skeptical look at your suggestion.

Thorin thought a moment, and then shrugged. "All right, then." He shed his fur-lined cloak, his outer coat, his boots, and of course his crown, laying them all on the bed. He knelt on the floor and then dropped flat, preparing to do some push-ups. "Sit on me," he ordered.

"What?" you giggled.

"You heard me," he scolded half-heartedly, "get on my back."

Holding back your laughter, you lowered yourself onto his broad back, both your legs on his right side.

"Just like that," he approved, and dipped into his first push-up. After about 150 or so he began panting and slowing down, shaking as he neared the floor. Drops of sweat decorated the surface beneath him as his body begged for mercy.

"What, is that it?" You shook your head in disappointment.

"Well, this isn't the easiest thing to do, darling," Thorin wheezed as he lowered himself once more, the next ascension agonizingly slow.

"Are you saying I am fat? Too heavy a load for you to bear?" you challenged with a dangerous tone in your voice, although you were nowhere near offended.

Thorin shook his head emphatically. "Not at all, amrâlimê. I just.." he paused as he shakingly allowed himself one more dip. "I have completed almost as many push-ups as my age. Is that not pleasing to you?"

You laughed merrily and eased yourself off of his well-muscled back, moving to the bed, taking Thorin's shed clothing, and moving it to the chair by the fireplace. "You are always pleasing to me, my love," you assured him, "no matter how many push-ups you do."

"Good," Thorin panted as he fell onto the fluffy bed and soft coverlet. "Now, would you like to take a nap with me before supper calls our names?"

"Why would I ever turn down a chance to sleep?" you asked incredulously, causing your husband to laugh from the bed. "I'll be there in a moment, love."

You adjusted the last of his discarded things in your huge chest of drawers, and turned to see Thorin sprawled out on the enormous mattress, his eyes closed, waiting for the blissful embrace of slumber, or perhaps you.

Grinning, you sprinted from the dresser and leapt onto the bed like a wildcat, screaming, "LOVE MEEE!!!" This effectively woke him up, and just in time too, as you landed directly on top of him, eliciting a wheeze and groan from Thorin.  But he quickly wrapped his arms around your torso, and smooched your cheeks and nose and lips over and over again, causing you to giggle uncontrollably.

Eventually he stopped, and lay on his side, with you gazing up into his eyes, right by his side. "My beautiful (Y/n)," Thorin cooed softly, running his thumb over your bottom lip ever so gently. "I love you more than anything, ghivashel, my life, my light."

Happy tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you moved closer, pecking your husband's lips before snuggling into his strong chest. "I love you too much for words, Thorin," you confessed. "There is no one in Middle Earth, no man nor dwarf nor elf, no one at all, that could satisfy me the way you do, my One." Your voice had lowered to a whisper, but Thorin heard every word, and squeezed you in a hug that wordlessly returned your affection tenfold.

Pressing his lips to your hair and your forehead, Thorin finally laid his head onto the pillow, and allowed himself to slip into slumber, comforted by the thought of his lovely wife, you.

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