You're Beautiful Like This (Fili x Hobbit!Reader)

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Okay, EleanorLearn and Chesneylovely , I combined your requests! Since EleanorLearn 's request was elaborate and FilixReader, and Chesneylovely 's request was vague but also FilixReader, I decided to MAKE THEM ONE!!!!!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

You're name is Kira, and you're Bilbo's niece (a Brandybuck). Still the reader's POV. Requested details by Chesneylovely .


You sat on a log with your full bowl of stew in your lap, uneaten. You couldn't bring yourself to eat. Not with how fat you were.

Well, not with how fat you thought you were.

In reality, you were a beautiful young hobbit lady, with hourglass curves, curly (h/c) hair that felt and shone like silk, shining (e/c) eyes, and a voice that put harps and nightingales alike to absolute shame.

If only you could see it.

You were so blind to how attractive you were, inside and out, so you never accepted a compliment. You hated your body more than anything.

Fili noticed your state of staring at the food in your lap, and made his way over to your log, seating himself down beside you. "Are you feeling unwell, Miss Kira?" he asked with a concerned tone, which only sent your heart into hysterics.

You see, you fancied Fili, son of Dís, Prince of Erebor, but you knew it was absolutely hopeless.

Why would a prince ever be in love with someone like you?

The real question was, how could he bear to keep himself away from you, you lovely thing?!

"Miss Kira?" Fili's voice (almost as golden as his hair) interrupted your track of thought. You snapped up to meet his brilliant blue gaze.

"O-oh, uhm-yes..yes, I'm fine," you stammered nervously, a warm pink blush settling into your cheeks.

"Are you sure?" he prodded. "You haven't touched your stew since Bofur gave it to you."

You hesitated, looking back down at your food with a glare that rivaled Thorin's. "I um..I'm not very hungry, Master dwarf.."

Fili's muscles tensed and his gaze upon you hardened when he heard the title you gave him. "Fili," he simply said.

You slowly look up at him again, quite shyly. "..What?"

"Call me Fili, please, Miss Kira. I may be a prince, but a princess like you need not give me titles that do not belong to me."

You blushed deeply at his calling you a 'princess.' "I assure you Fili, I am nothing near a princess. I am merely a hobbit lass, not even a pretty one at that-"

"Stop it!" Fili nearly shouted, the red in his face now matching yours. Your eyes filled with confused tears as you tried to reason out the cause of his anger.

Of course. It was you. You knew the hope of him even being able to tolerate you was a fool's hope. You had let that hope worm its way too deeply into your heart, and now it hurt too much to let it go, especially like this. "I-I'm sorry, Fil-..I mean-Master dwarf," you nearly whispered. "I'll leave you now...I'm sorry," you muttered one last time before you rose with your now lukewarm dinner to find a seat away from the Company.

But before you could get very far, Fili grabbed your wrist, and you had to tilt your bowl so as not to spill its contents.

The blond prince took the bowl from your hands and traded it off to Nori, muttering something to the dwarven thief about 'being right back', and 'don't you dare eat it.'

"May I have a word in private, Miss Kira?" Fili asked as he led you off into  the forest a bit, not really giving you an option.

Once the two of you were far away enough from the Company so that they couldn't hear you, Fili finally let go and turned to you.

"Why?" he asked with a hurt look in his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

One word. Just that one word was all you had to hear to bring you to tears. You sank down to the ground and covered your face with your hands, not wanting him to see you cry, as your whole body shook with heart-breaking sobs. You nearly jumped when you felt Fili's strong arms wrap around you; you were definitely not expecting it. You were expecting to be left in the forest alone, the Company and your uncle turning tail and leaving you behind forever.

Definitely not a soft hug from Fili. His arms were strong, the muscles defined and hardened from many years in fighting and a few in the forges, but they were also gentle and caring, caressing your body and hair. He pulled you into his chest as he leaned back into a tree, letting you cry all you needed. He did not say a word the whole time.

After what felt like years, but was probably only 10 or 15 minutes, you finally gave up on crying. You felt better, but not good. You were sleepy, however, from the warmth of Fili's body next to yours.

But the prince quickly spoke up before you could drift off. "Why do you talk about yourself like that, Miss Kira?" His voice was just as gentle as his embrace.

You arms were hooked about his neck, letting you easily look into his eyes, but instead you gazed into your lap. "Because it is true. I am not attractive, I have never been. Even the other hobbits in the Shire say I am ugly, because I am too thin. But I do not feel thin; I am quite fat."

Fili scoffed. "Well the rest of the Shire must all be blind, idiots, or just plain cruel, because you are without a doubt the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on."

You turned your head towards Fili, staring widely back into his bright blue eyes, your noses nearly touching. "What?" you barely breathed in shock.

Fili chuckled at the look on your face. "I said you are beautiful. You know what, beautiful doesn't even cover it. You are gorgeous, ghivashel, on the outside and on the inside. You have a heart of gold and the beauty that make the Aulë jealous." You were in tears again at this point, but that didn't deter the prince. "And not even near fat, may I add," he continued. "You have a beautiful figure; do you have any idea how many times I have wanted to touch you, just to hold you in my arms, like I am now? I wanted to show you my love for you so badly, amrâlimê."

At the beginning of his confession, you had figured this was a dare from Kili, or some other sort of setup. But you knew, from that look in his eyes, the sincere tone in his voice, that he must, he must be telling the truth.

You choked back a sob as you asked one last question, whispering as you did not trust your voice to not break. "Do you truly love me, Fili?"

Fili's eyes lit up, and he hugged you tighter, gazing lovingly into your (e/c) eyes that were swimming with tears. "Oh, ghivashel, my One, I have loved you from the beginning."

That was all you needed to hear. You grabbed the fur lining of his coat collar and pulled his lips to yours, something you had dreamed of doing ever since you laid eyes on him in your uncle's house in Bag End that fateful night.

He held you closer, and kissed you gently, silently declaring his great love for you once more.

When you two eventually made it back to camp, the rest of the Company, Bilbo included, cheered for you, as you both now had something new.

Not just acknowledgement of mutual love, or the banishing of those ugly, self-deprecating thoughts from your head, or even the blush on your cheeks which reminisced of your first kiss. No, it was none of these things.

It was the courting braids and beads in your hair and Fili's.

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