Don't You Remember? (Thorin)

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"Uncle, I wish to have your permission to court Tauriel of the Woodland Realm." Kili, your husband's youngest nephew, had decided to finally approach his uncle and ask if he might court his love.

You had no idea he was going to do this, so you were caught off guard, but with delight, unlike Thorin.

"The elf?!" Thorin questioned in disbelief as he tensed in his throne next to yours, astonished at the fact that his nephew would dare present him with an inquiry such as this.

Kili nodded nervously, mumbling a yes.

"I will not allow you to court an ELF!!" your husband roared, and you felt a great deal of pity for your nephew.

"Thorin," you pleaded softly from your throne, "calm down, darling. Hear the poor boy out."

Thorin huffed and held his tongue with a bitter expression, nodding to Kili as a gesture for him to continue his plead.

"Tauriel is my One, I know she is...and-and if you do not give me your permission...I shall court her just the same." he finished confidently.

You put a hand to your heart, a loving smile on your lips and a twinkle in your eyes. He was just like Thorin at that age. So pig-headed and bold. You turned to Thorin with a look of nostalgia, expecting your husband to give his permission to his nephew, but you were met with the sight of his majestic scowl once more.

"If you do so, you will bring shame to the line of Durin." Thorin's voice was but a low growl, and he stood, making his way to Kili. "You will drag our name through the mud if you wed an elf," he spat, but before he could get too mean about the whole matter, you rose from your perch and approached Thorin.

"Thorin, why is this such a big deal?" you asked soothingly.

Your husband looked at you incredulously. "He wishes to marry an elf," he said slowly, as if you had no knowledge of the past between dwarves and elves. "Such a bond between kind would be abominable!"

"Oh, Thorin," you sighed and stepped closer, your intoxicating aroma of lavender and sage temporarily calming Thorin's nerves. "This is a matter of the heart. Kili is in love!" you cried with a grin, taking your husband's arm. "Remember when we were like this?" you asked with a sly smirk, resting your hand gently on Thorin's shoulder.

Your actions caused Thorin to blush, and your words Kili to snicker. Thorin turned to you with a glint in his eyes that could have meant you were in trouble or in for a surprise. 

Luckily for you and Kili, it was the latter.

"Kili," Thorin began quietly, turning to his nephew, "I will...allow you to court this elf maiden you proclaim to be your One." He put a hand on the ecstatic prince's shoulder, "I wish you all the luck in the world."

Kili and Thorin hugged, and you squealed joyously. As soon as the King and prince broke their embrace, you ran to Kili, wrapping your arms around the dwarf and squeezing him tightly. 

"My little boy's all grown up!"

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