Stay Put! (Kili x Hobbit!Reader)

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Your head pounded and your ears rang in an annoying and painful one-tune song as you slowly awoke from unconsciousness. You slowly opened your eyes to see nothing but gray, dead grass and a dark sky swimming in your vision. 

"Ugh," you moaned, and brought a hand to your forehead. It felt like you'd been trampled by a herd of elephants, when you had in fact been fighting in the Battle of the Five Armies. And fighting for Erebor was definitely no easy task. You had been cut and bruised quite a lot, but the worst was a slice across your abdomen, and you knew you would bleed out if you didn't seek proper care. 

Carefully, you made your way across the corpse-littered field, stumbling towards an elvish healing tent while putting pressure on your stomach wound. Looking around you saw Dwalin, Balin, Dori, and Nori, and then the other members of the company running or limping to join them. You suddenly realized that you didn't see Thorin, Fili, or Kili (whom you were courting). Your heart began to beat faster, your brain sped through thousands of worried thoughts, of Kili being injured, dead, or missing. 

"Just a little further," you murmured, assuring yourself you would be okay once you reached the healers. "Little...further...then we'll find Kili."

As you frantically stumbled into the tent, the entrance's flaps brushing against your frizzy, curly hair and down your back to fall back to the ground, you spotted your lover, lying on a gurney at the far end of the tent.

"Kili!" you cried, causing him to lift his head, and his eyes widened at the sight of you. You tried to run to him, but the wound in your abdomen held you back, as well as a few of the elves. 

"No, little halfling!" they warned you frantically, "You must be healed properly! Stop panicking, please!"

"No!!" you screamed, the pain of seeing Kili possibly dead or near it overtaking the pain of the cut across your stomach. "No, I have to see him!! I have to see if he's all right!!"

You pushed past the elves and stumbled to the small bed where Kili was now sitting up, and immediately threw your arms around him. He returned the embrace, his strong, thick arms wrapped around your waist, drawing you in close. 

He quietly shushed you as you cried into his bloody, sweaty tunic, and whispered soothing words into your ear in an effort to calm you.


The next morning, you woke up to Kili's adorable sleeping face. The two of you were bandaged up and well on your way to healing properly, but hadn't wanted to spend the night alone. Besides, after all you two had been through recently, some alone time was well deserved.

You smiled softly up at your suitor, and reached up to slowly stroke his cheekbone. Ever so gently you leaned up and pressed your lips to his chin, just below his lips, and he squinted a bit. After a minute he blinked, not liking the sun in his beautiful brown eyes, and peered down at you, a grin breaking out onto his face.

"Well hello there, sunshine," Kili murmured in his raspy morning voice, the vibrations running from his chest through yours and down your spine, ending in a tingle in your toes that could warm you for a thousand years.

"Good morning, handsome," you whispered back, and rested your head on his chest, prompting Kili to wrap his arms around you and rest his head on yours, as he had the night prior.

After reveling in the few moments of comfortable silence, Kili broke it with a few soft words. "I love you, princess."

You felt the heat of a blush rush to your cheeks and ears, and whispered in return (as intelligibly as you could through your massive smile), "I love you as well, amralime."


For the lovely EleanorLearn! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Thank you for reading, everyone!

(Sorry about the lack of proper vowels in 'amralime.' I'm writing this on my laptop and it doesn't have that.)


I am leaving for college on Thursday!!


I will still update and write and stuff!! Updates will just be slower, especially the first couple of weeks, while I'm still getting used to everything. I have school and work to worry about now, but when I get free time to do whatever, I'm gonna buckle down and write you all some stories!!

(I do plan on finishing 'Men Among Women' and 'Faith, Trust, and What?!' before Thursday, but we'll see ;) )

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now