I'm Having a Bad Bad Day (Pippin)

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You sat down at a table in the Green Dragon, between Merry and Pippin, and across from Sam and Frodo. Sighing, you placed your hands over your face, as if you were trying to block out all evil in this world.

All of your friends noticed, but Frodo was the first to speak up. "What's the matter, (y/n)?"

You removed your hands from your face and clasped them together in your lap. "I've been having the unluckiest of days," you said, smiling like nothing was wrong.

"What happened?" asked Pippin, your lover.


Earlier that morning. . .

You woke abruptly, startled by the feeling between your legs. Wet..warm...?


Your monthly cycle had begun.

"No no no!!" you cried. "Today was supposed to be a good day!" You ran off to the washroom to clean yourself up, and to prepare for the grueling next few days.

Once you were finished, you headed back to your bedroom to dress. You pulled on a dark red frock with black trim and ribbons, your favorite (and quite convenient for this particular time of the month 😉). You smiled, hoping today might actually turn out to be good, but oh how wrong you were!

You waltzed over to the window with a goofy grin on your pretty face, and reached for the curtains to draw them aside. Instead, the metal rod that upheld the fabric suddenly came out of the wall, nearly falling onto your head! You screamed and leapt out of the way, turning around to see your messed up wall and now exposed window panes.

"Oh, that's not good," you said to yourself, standing up and straightening your dress. "Ah, I'll just have Dad fix it later."

After your first and second breakfast, you decided to get some water from the well outside your house, so that you could boil some eggs for elevensies.

You walked out to the stone-surrounded well sitting just beside your hobbit hole. However, you were walking a bit too fast, and reached for the bucket a bit too soon, and being that you were a clumsy hobbit to begin with, you soon tripped over your over-hurrying self and landed with your chest on the stone and your head looking over the edge. Your eyes widened as you realized how close you were to falling in and drowning, and you quickly shuffled away from the well.

"I think I'll just have father get the water today..." you murmured as you walked slowly back to the front door.

Present. . .

"So yeah," You masterfully concluded your recollective story to your friends.

Pippin put a hand on your shoulder. "Wow, (y/n). Sounds like you were having a pretty rotten day," he said sympathetically. You frowned; this wasn't really helping. "But I know what'll cheer you up!" he exclaimed, getting up onto the table and pulling Merry up with him. Merry stood half on the bench and half on the table, with his arm around Pippin's shoulders, his other hand occupied by his mug of ale. Pip did the same to Merry, and began to sing, the whole pub joining them not long after.

Hey ho! To the bottle I go!
To heal my heart and drown my woe!
The rain may fall, the wind may blow,
But there still be many miles to go!
Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that flows from hill to plain!
Better than rain or rippling brook-
(Here Pippin straightened his back and proudly bellowed:)
-Is a mug of beer inside this Took!

Pippin and Merry and you and pretty much the entire pub burst into laughter and applause. Your cheeks grew red with cheer, and as soon as Pippin climbed down from the table, you hugged him around the neck.

"Thank you," you whispered into his ear, "for making my day so much better."

Pippin blushed deeply and hugged you back. He smiled and whispered in reply, "It was my pleasure, m'lady."

Requested by Jadewonders

Hope you enjoyed it!

(Sorry it took so long!!!!)

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