Please Stay! (Company)

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As the elves of Mirkwood, the men from Laketown, and the dwarves of Erebor and the Iron Hills recovered from the battle, a little thought began to nag at the back of your mind

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As the elves of Mirkwood, the men from Laketown, and the dwarves of Erebor and the Iron Hills recovered from the battle, a little thought began to nag at the back of your mind.

You'd have to leave Erebor and go back home someday soon.

Not that you wanted to of course, you had grown inseparably close to the members of Thorin Oakenshield's Company.

You pondered the exact date upon which you would depart while Oin tended to your many battle 'wounds' (they were more like bruises and scratches).

A few months later, when 'most everyone was healed, you spent more and more time thinking about home, wanting to go back but not wanting to leave Erebor. It was a constant battle.

One night morning before breakfast you simply buckled down and packed your few belongings, ready for the journey that lay ahead of you.

As you began to walk out of Erebor's newly built entrance, someone close to your heart noticed you leaving.

"(Y/n)? Where're ya goin', lass?"

Bofur. He had been the nicest to you, out of all the dwarves he had bonded with you first. You turned around in defeat to see a look of utter confusion on the kind dwarf's face, and you instantly felt bad for trying to leave unnoticed.

"Listen Bofur...I'm..I'm going home," you explained reluctantly.

Bofur immediately rejected the idea. "No! No, no, you must stay here, with us! We'd all miss you terribly if you left!"

Other members of the old Company had been wandering around, and upon hearing the commotion, wandered over. Once Bofur explained that you were trying to leave and travel home, they all sided with him and begged you to stay.

"We all love you so much, (Y/n)! Please don't leave us!" Kili pleaded with tears in his soft brown eyes.

"You're such a joy to have around here, lassie," Balin added, his grandfatherly bearing almost making you feel worse about leaving. "We couldn't stand it if you up and left us."

You looked down to your boots, contemplating whether or not you should stay, listening to everyone's pleading.

Looking up slowly, you let a smile creep onto your face, and let your pack slip off your shoulders. The dwarves all immediately broke into cheers and hoots, and surrounded you in a huge mass of dwarven hugs and kisses.

You couldn't believe it'd taken this long to realize it: there was no need to travel back home.

Home was right here.

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