That Was Stupid (Sam)

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You and Samwise Gamgee were sitting at a table in The Prancing Pony, him enjoying his pint and you enjoying the meat and bread and cheese. You two were talking about random things: how your garden was going, the weather, your most recent frightful encounter with a rat at the open air market.

All was going well, until some scruffy-bearded rascal decided to steal your coin purse. But he didn't get very far. Sam immediately jumped up and attacked the thief, not caring that he was a good 2 & 1/2 feet shorter than his opponent.

"Give it back, Longshanks!" Sam yelled at the thief while pummeling him with his fists. His efforts, however, were useless, as the much taller, bigger, and stronger man knocked Sam over the head with his mug, causing him to fall to the floor unconscious.

Right then your blood passed its boiling point. You turned to the man who stole your money purse, and started yelling at him. Scolding him for hurting your boyfriend, stealing your money/private property, things like that. You knew better than to physically attack him; you'd seen what had happened to your Sam.

The thief didn't heed your scolding, and ran off with your money, which was now low priority. You, with the help of some friendlier humans in The Prancing Pony proceeded to drag Samwise Gamgee to a hospital/inn of sorts. Bree might've been rough around the edges, but you trusted their nurses and doctors.

Sam woke up to you sitting by his bedside, waiting for him to come out of his unconsciousness. He seemed confused at first, but you explained to him what had earlier transpired.

After you'd finished, he gave you a look of annoyance. "So let me get this straight. I tried to save you from getting mugged but instead got knocked unconscious, and you had to drag me to the hospital after having your wallet stolen?"

You sat still for a moment, processing what he'd just said, then nodded quickly. "Yep."

"That was stupid, (y/n)."

"Yeah I know," you shrugged and laughed.

This is for @bettythedwarfqueen
So sorry it's so bad😭


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