Little Distractions (Fili)

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Just something I thought of and decided to put into writing! ^^

The shirt above is the one you are wearing, I'll post the pic of the skirt below...

The shirt above is the one you are wearing, I'll post the pic of the skirt below

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Now, on to the short!


You sat in your favorite armchair, surrounded by the warm fire and all the other comforts of your cozy chambers. Erebor had been reclaimed, the line of Durin had miraculously survived, and Thorin had been crowned King.

Your beloved book, Myths and Legends of the East, was cradled in your hands, and once again you were absorbing every single word. Balin had given you that book when he caught you reading it during tutoring hours, as a gift.

Why was he tutoring you in the first place, you say?

Well, he was preparing you for being a princess, someday the Queen. You see, you were courting Fili, the prince of Erebor, with the intent to wed soon. You had to be ready to step into that position.

As you savored every line of the book's tales of mysterious anomalies of nature, you heard your door creak open after a short couple of knocks. Taking a peek above the thick leather binding of your book, you saw that your lover, Fili, was quietly striding to your chair, a loving smile on his face.

"Good afternoon, ghivashel," he greeted you. "How are you on this fine day, my love?"

You broke into a huge smile, knowing that you absolutely had him wrapped around your little finger. "I am doing very well, darling." You shifted in your cushioned chair, sitting up a little bit, as you had been hunched in an awkward reading position. "Now, was there a particular reason you decided to visit me? Not that I am complaining."

Fili grinned, reaching out to take your free hand, now that you had set your book down in your lap. "I was hoping you would go to the market with me, love. A merchant is there with the most beautiful dresses, and I would be more than delighted to get you one or two of them."

His smile grew even wider at the look on your face, which was one of excitement at the prospect of going to the market inside Erebor, astonishment at the fact that Fili wished to buy you dresses, and hesitation, because you did not necessarily wish to leave your book so soon. "Will you go with me, amralime?"

"I...was hoping to be able to read some more of my book here, before I did much else..." you trailed off, and Fili's smile slowly fell. "But I promise to go with you, if you'll just let me finish this last chapter, if that is all right?"

Fili reluctantly nodded, glancing at you, then at your book, and swallowed, seeing the sheer enormity of the novel. "How long do you think you will take?"

"Probably not very long," you shrugged.

Fili nodded, and sat down beside your armchair, ready to wait patiently. "All right, then."

You smiled thankfully and reopened your book, finding the place you had left off. 

You weren't even able to read two sentences before you felt Fili lean his head on your shoulders, now kneeling instead of sitting. You tried to ignore him, but you could feel him turn his head and start to nuzzle into your neck. You turned to glare at him, but before you could say anything, he kissed your nose, effectively stopping you.

Huffing, you turned back to your book, but Fili only nudged closer. He tried to distract you from your reading by continually kissing your neck and shoulders, and shoving his face as close as possible to yours. 

"When will you be dooooooone?" he whined loudly, leaning his face on your forearm.

"Well, it will take even longer if you keep distracting me, Fili!" you complained and shook your love off of your arm. 

Fili merely chuckled and took your hand into his, stroking your fingers and pressing his lips to your palm. "I love you, (y/n). You do know that, don't you?"

You rolled your eyes and slammed your book shut, the loud sound causing Fili to flinch (satisfyingly). "Yes, my love. I do. And I love you, more than anything." You stood up from your chair, Fili springing up directly after. "Let's go. I'll finish the book later," you smiled.

Fili picked you up and swung you around with glee. "Thank you, love! I promise you will not regret it!"

You laughed, "I'm sure I won't; you promised to buy me clothes!"

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