I Told You So! (Legolas x Elf!Reader)

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Even though I am an elf, I have never been proficient in archery. I know, I know, you'd expect every elleth and ellon to be a master of the bow, but the only skill I seem to have is with the growing things in the royal gardens. I am not necessarily seen as lesser because of my lack of ability with the bow, but I am not acceptable for the King's army.

I am only a gardener, and that is all I will ever be.

At least, that is what I thought until Prince Legolas had decided to teach me how to shoot an arrow.

He comes often to admire the gardens, and therefore stops to talk with me. We have become friends over these visits, and now every day I look forward to seeing him. But today, something new happened...

"Greetings, mellon nin," a silky voice says behind my hunched back. I know who it is, and turn from my flower planting to see Legolas' handsome face.

"Hello, Legolas. For what purpose have you come today?" I go back to patting the soil firmly around the exquisite violets.

"I thought I would teach you how to use a bow."

I whip around, facing him again. "Me?" I laugh nervously. "No mellon, I am no good with a bow. You know this. It is no use. The garden is where I belong."

"Well, if you give me the chance, maybe I can convince you otherwise," he said with a teasing smirk.

"Fine," I smile back.

Later, at the archery range...

"So I hold it like..like this?" I grunt, pulling the feathered arrow back to my cheek. It strains my muscles, a few I do not regularly use, and they ache.

"Yes," Legolas says encouragingly. "Keep both eyes open, train them on the target, and release when you are ready."

I wait a moment, then let go of the arrow. It whizzes through the air, so fast I cannot see it, not until it embeds itself in the straw target, albeit far from the center.

I sigh frustratedly. "That was my 37th arrow! Why have I still missed the mark?!"

Legolas chuckles infuriatingly. "These things take practice. I said I would show you how, not make you into an expert immediately." He draws an arrow of his own, and releases it within a second. It instantly finds the absolute center of the painted target, and I grunt in impatience again.

"I'm no good at this, Legolas. The only thing I'm good at is gardening, and that's that."

"You'll never get any better if you don't practice," he says absentmindedly, inspecting something on the string of his bow.

I roll my eyes and nock another arrow on my own. "What, like this?" I say sarcastically as I pull the arrow back and release it immediately, like he does.

To my complete surprise and shock, the arrow flew straight for the very center of the target. My eyes grow wide and I hold back a strangled gasp.

Legolas looks up and sees my arrow, the perfect one, surrounded by so many previous failures. His eyes grow wide as well, but not in shock, but rather in a pleased grin. "See, mellon nin, I told you you could do it."

This is for LucyBoal , thank you so much for the request! This is my first Legolas oneshot, so I hope he wasn't OOC, sorry if he was.

To my other readers: I may not be able to get all the quickshots done tonight, but I will do my best! I'll definitely post again tonight, soon. Thank you!

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now