Wounded (Fili x Reader) (Part 2?)

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You were looking after little dwarven children in the kingdom's nursery, along with 4 other women, which was honestly enough, since you only had 12 children in your care.

As you picked up a wobbling toddler who was still a bit unsure of his footing to prevent him from falling (mostly from crying after he fell), you chirped at him in a high-pitched voice, telling him how cute he was and how much you loved him. "Oh, little Reynak! You are so adorable!" you squeaked, pretending to eat his cheeks, at which he giggled and waved his hands around. "Omnomnomnomnom!!"

Before you could play with Reynak any more, Kili swung open the nursery door (the door opened out into the hallway as opposed to into the room, so as not to knock over any child who might be standing too close). His face held a somber look that sucked the happiness straight out of you.

"What is wrong, Kili?" you asked carefully. He walked towards you, careful to avoid any dwarfling that might run into his legs.

"Oh, nothing's...wrong necessarily," Kili laughed nervously.

"Kili, what's wrong?" you pressed, knowing fully well he was lying to you.

"Fili, he ah..had an accident during our hunting trip, BUT HE IS ALL RIGHT." Kili attempted valiantly to keep you calm, but your eyes widened in shock; if Kili said Fili was fine, then he wasn't fine.

Before Kili could utter another word, you shoved Reynak into his strong arms, and ran out of the room and down the hall.

"I'll never hear the end of this one," Kili muttered to the open door.

"Uh?" Reynak looked up at Kili with wide hazel eyes, his head wobbling on his weak neck.

Kili looked over at the sweet little boy, a serious look on his face. "Yeah. Fili's gonna kill me."

Your heart pounded anxiously with every leap you took to reach your One's quarters. What if he didn't have long to live? What if he had lost a limb? What if half of his face was gone, or he was covered in burns?!

After an agonizing eternity of running and panting, you finally arrived at the thick wooden door that separated Fili from the rest of the world. Swinging the door open so hard it squeaked loudly in protest on its hinges, you found Fili lying on his front on the large feather bed. His midsection was wrapped in sterile bandages, and bright red blood dotted the strips of linen here and there.

His head immediately snapped to face you, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "(Y/n)?" he cried. "You're not supposed to be in here."

"Why not?" you pouted, shutting the door behind you and slowly making your way to Fili's bed. "Am I not allowed to see my favorite man in all of Erebor?" you asked sweetly.

"No! (Y/n), not one step further. (Y/n), stop it! Stop!" Fili's blue eyes snapped with annoyance as he attempted to make you quit coming so close to him, but of course you didn't listen. "Go away, you're not supposed to see me like this." It was his turn to pout as you knelt on the floor beside the bed.

"Oh, you know I just can't stay away from you," you giggled, leaning in to sweetly kiss Fili's bearded cheek.

He willed himself not to blush and maintained his slightly angry expression. "I told Kili to not let you see me until I was healed completely," Fili grumbled, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Aww," you cooed, "my poor baby." You held the wrist of the hand that tried to push you away as you leaned down again and kissed his face.

"Stop talking to me like I'm 20 years old," Fili snapped half-heartedly.

"Nope," you continued to smooch his cheek and forehead and lips, and Fili eventually relaxed, gazing into your eyes as you laid your head on the pillow beside his.

"Thank you for being here for me, love," he said quietly, almost like he didn't want to.

"Always, amrâlimê."

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