Faith, Trust, and What?! (Thorin x Faerie!Reader) (Part 2)

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Gandalf looked to the faerie, a smile on his lips. "(Y/n), would you mind if we came inside for a moment? We haven't had anything to eat or drink in almost three days."

(Y/n) nodded. "Of course, my friend! Of course!" She flittered to her wooden door, her feet touching the ground, and her petite hands on the large iron handle. "By the Aulë, you haven't eaten or drank in three days?! You poor souls!" She pulled the door open easily, which was surprising for how fragile she looked, and instantly gasped, her expression going from pity to shock. "Shoo!" she yelped into her open doorway, and immediately a plethora of butterflies swarmed out of her house, dodging the members of the company as they flew past and into the forest.

(Y/n) sighed, though not unhappily, and stepped into the little cottage. "Please, come in!" she invited warmly. The dwarves, wizard, and hobbit all joined her in the house, gazing in awe at the interior.

Shelves ran all the way to the ceiling (all of them full), which made sense, since she could fly. Books lay on the wooden shelves, as well as jars of cookies and muffins and treats, little trinkets, and stray pieces of paper. (Y/n) had an adorable little dining table, which was basically a very large (and live) mushroom, her chairs were wooden however.

She had the quaintest little kitchen, and a surprisingly large fireplace. There was a vine-covered staircase that led to a second floor, which held her bedroom and dressing room.

(Y/n) walked over to her pantry (her wings now being folded down against her back, pointing towards the ground), and opened the door, revealing the huge store of food she kept in the halls of the cupboard.

"Honestly, I have too much food, Gandalf," she laughed, the sound like little silver bells. "So please, everyone help yourselves," she gestured towards the pantry, and the dwarves did not hesitate to enter hastily and plunder, albeit not without a 'thank you' from each and every one of them.

Thorin was the last to enter, and took (y/n)'s tiny hand in his much bigger, calloused one, and gently pressed his lips to her knuckles, causing her to blush. It had been centuries since she had been treated so. "Thank you, my Lady. I swear you will be repayed for all you have done for us."

(Y/n) grinned, making Thorin's heart flutter. "It is my greatest pleasure, Thorin, son of Thrain. I will help you in any way I can." She looked up to Gandalf, who was much taller than her. "You know of what I speak, Mithrandir."

Gandalf nodded. "I do indeed, but we shall discuss that later. For now, let us fill our bellies and rest our heads. Tomorrow we will speak of this matter."

(Y/n) nodded, agreeing, but Thorin seemed lost. What else besides food, drink, and rest could she offer his company?

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