Behind His Back (Kili x Hobbit!Reader)

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"Papa, can I please go and eat with Fili and Kili?" you begged Bilbo, your father.

He sighed exasperatedly and rolled his eyes. "For the thousandth time, (Y/n), the answer is no! I don't want you prancing around with boys."

You grunted in disgust and slouched on your seat, which was a log. Why did you father have to be so protective of you? Fili and Kili were princes! Surely they knew how to properly treat a young woman!

"Sit up straight, (Y/n)," your father ordered, handing you your bowl of stew. "And be sure to eat every last bite. No vegetables left behind. Understand, young lady?"

You nodded, straightening your back a bit. There was kindness in his voice, but you wanted to ignore it. Your father was extremely protective and loving, and that was honestly the entire reason he had brought you along on this trip. He would much rather have to protect you out in the wild than leave you in the 'care' of the Sackville-Bagginses.

But he didn't seem to trust his traveling companions enough to let you talk with them.

>>>timeskip to the battle with Azog after Goblin Town<<<

You watched in horror as you clung to your branch, watched your father hurl himself at the orc that was about to behead Thorin Oakenshield.

You scrambled into the tree's slanted trunk and ran to your father's aid, and you heard commotion behind you, suggesting the other dwarves got the idea and were preparing to run into battle as well. Sooner than you'd thought, most of the other members of the Company were running all around you, fighting the orcs and wargs and driving them back.

The one dwarf who blocked any enemy from harming you however, was none other than Kili himself, the one whom you fancied. While nothing was approaching, he quickly looked back to check on you, sending a grin and wink your way.

You blushed and smiled, and deep down you knew you would be all right. Kili would protect you.

>>>at Beorn's house<<<

As you laid down next to Bilbo in the straw, you let your mind wander back to that day at the cliff, when Kili protected you. You decided that that had been the day you'd first felt it. The tingly, warm, fuzzy sensation in the pit of your stomach. The one that made you want to both scream and kiss Kili like there was no tomorrow.

And as far as you knew, that feeling was called 'love.'

Apparently Kili had felt it too, as he had confessed his undying love for you in Rivendell, when your father was discussing the map of Erebor with Thorin and a few others.

Kili had asked you (nearly begged) to allow him to court you, and you didn't hesitate one bit in saying yes. That's when you two shared your first kiss.

You had had a few discreet kisses since then, but you never really had much time for affection when traveling, especially amongst members of authority who had no idea what was going on between the two of you.

As soon as you could tell your father was asleep, you slowly sat up, your eyes immediately traveling to the place your suitor had set up his bedroll.

Kili had straightened up the moment he saw you sit up, and beckoned you over with a wave of his hand. You instantly stood, knowing how heavy of a sleeper your father was, and made sure to grab your blanket. Carefully tiptoeing between and around the bodies of sleeping dwarves, you made your way to Kili.

You finally arrived, and quickly lay down beside him. He gazed down at you as you spread your thick blanket over your legs, and blushed when your eyes looked up to meet his.

"What?" you whispered.

"I was..just thinking," Kili answered nervously, laying down and resuming his staring contest with the ceiling.

"Of what?" you asked again, amused.

He turned his head to look at you, his eyes full of love. "Of the first time we kissed."

At this, you blushed, but smiled just the same. "Magical," you breathed.

"Very," he simply said, and slipped one arm underneath you and one over your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace, one you gladly returned.

"Goodnight, men lananubuhks," Kili murmured into your hair, moving his head down to reach your lips, which he then kissed gently. "May Mahal bless you with the sweetest of dreams."

You felt your face heating up with joy, but held it back with a small smirk. "I don't need dreams; I have you."

Though he said nothing, you could feel Kili's face twist into a wide grin as his head lay atop yours, practically buried in your curly hair.

For EleanorLearn , this was SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE!!!!!

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