Preference #2

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(For MostFandoms  )

When he's drunk/tipsy

Frodo: When he gets tipsy, he cannot shut up. He goes on and on, telling you how much he loves you, and what he loves about you. (See last preference chapter to see what he loves about you..😏)

Sam: He's usually pretty quiet around you, but when he gets his hands on some ale, he's even more embarrassing than your parents, siblings, and crazy old uncle Lester all rolled into one. He'll sing and shout random things, yelling at people about how pretty you are and how you're his.

Pippin: You know how he's usually very outspoken and confident? When he gets tipsy, he becomes the exact opposite. He'll be very very quiet, rarely talking, and he is actually prone to cry a lot. He'll talk about how he's not worthy of you, and his deepest fears of losing you to someone better (as if that person exists pft), so you gladly put his fears (and him) to rest.

Merry: He will become very touchy feely around you. There's been times where you had to have his cousin Pippin walk him home, because he was just making you feel uncomfortable. It would start with hand-holding, which you loved, but then it would quickly turn into more of a drunken stupor where he had no idea what he was doing. It was at times like those that you surprisingly wished he would stick to his pipe weed.

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