Somebody Help! (Platonic Fili/Kili x Sister!Reader Quickshot)

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In this quickshot you are the youngest sister of Fili and Kili, sorry if it's really short 😂 @kus_marjoleinx, this is for you😉

This is going to start at the point where the elves close the gate and therefore stop the dwarves in the barrels from leaving Mirkwood, and what happens right after that?...


Orcs. Everywhere.

They attack the elves, slicing them down and killing them instantly with arrows.

I spot the lever, which, when pulled, will open the gates in front of us and let us go free. I quickly make my decision and clamber out of my barrel, avoiding orcs and falling elves. I look over to see my older brother Kili running up to the lever, who apparently has the same idea as me. I grin, knowing he and I often share the same thoughts, something we as siblings tend to do.

Kili is ahead of me, but just as he  is about to reach for the lever, I look out of the corner of my eye to see an orc pulling back the drawstring of his bow, preparing to shoot my brother!

I instinctively jump in front of him, the arrow being released and burying itself into my upper thigh, since I am shorter than my elder brother. I scream in pain and fall to the stony floor of the ledge, gingerly holding my wound.

"(Y/n)!!" I hear Kili yell in anguish, even though he is right beside me.

"Just..p-pull the lever..Kili," I pant, out of breath from pain. He complies and the gate quickly reopens, allowing the dwarf-laden barrels to once again flow past. Kili helps me back into my barrel, which causes the shaft of the arrow to break off. I cry out in agony again, and Kili, Fili, and Thorin all look to me in pity.

>>>time skip Bard's house, after the rest of the Company leaves for Erebor<<<

I am hauled up and laid on the kitchen table in the middle of Bard's house, Fili and Kili holding me down as I squirm and cry out in pain. The arrow was poisoned, and it has been mixed into my blood. It stings, and burns, like someone is holding a branding iron to my leg. I can feel my body heating up with a roaring fever, and my heartbeat is escalated tenfold.

I cannot hear much of what everyone else is saying, for the pain is making everything sound far away and muffled. Fili puts his hand underneath my head and strokes my hair, not really able to do much else, but I am so very grateful that he is here. Kili is crying, and holding my hand on the opposite side of Fili, trying to keep himself together but failing.

I can hear Bofur and Oin yelling to Bard, probably about what they will need in an attempt to cure me. But I fear nothing will.

I am not able to think clearly much anymore, the pain is just too great. Someone shoves something cold and wet into my wound, causing me to arch my back and screech in agony. I feel more hands put extra pressure on my limbs as I thrash about, not able to really control myself anymore. Muffled voices yell and chant, and my vision starts to clear. I see an elleth, an elf maiden, saying something over and over again in her native tongue. A bright light surrounds her, and she is looking at me.

I no longer feel the need to thrash around or scream in pain, for there is none. I feel elated, almost ecstatic. I feel healthy, albeit very very exhausted, and I quickly collapse into a dead faint.

Third person POV

"She will be alright," Tauriel says nonchalantly, at which Kili and Fili sigh in relief.

Bofur comes over and strokes sleeping (y/n)'s hair. "Good," he said quietly.

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