Lost and Found (Fili)

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"I'm going out to go bird-watching, Ma!" you yelled to your mother, who was in another room mending clothes.

"Alright, darling! Be careful!" your mother shouted back.

You rolled your eyes at her protectiveness, but yelled back an affirmative answer nonetheless.

You ran out the front door, your rucksack filled with your bird-watching sketchbook, spyglass, and a couple apples slung over your shoulder.

And that was the last human contact you had for eight hours.

Eight. Hours.

You had wandered so far, chasing a rare pink-breasted whipperwillow, that you had quite lost your way.

The sun had set, and it had gotten dark, and now you were scared. You had not brought a weapon, because you hadn't expected to need it.

So now you just sat underneath a tree on the cold ground, hugging your knees and staring into the dark with hugely dilated pupils.

Suddenly you heard someone shouting your name from afar, and crashing footsteps against the forest floor. You froze, not knowing what to do. Should you run away? Should you hide?

The pounding footsteps quickly came closer, and the strange man kept shouting your name. He eventually stood right in front of you, although you couldn't see who he was, since the moonlight was behind him, and created a silhouette.

"(Y/n)!" he cried in a happy tone, which confused you until the fearful ringing in your ears passed, and you recognized his voice as he continued to talk.

"I didn't know where you'd gone, no one did! Mahal, I'm so glad I was able to find you!"

"Fili!" You stood and threw your arms around your lover's neck, giggling in relief, and laughed when he picked you up and spun you around in joy.

As he set you down, he looked into your eyes, the moonlight now shining off of his beautiful blue irises. "(Y/n)..while looking for you, I was able to find something else."

Your brows furrowed in confusion. "And what was that, ghivashel?" you asked curiously, the term of endearment causing a hot blush to settle on the blond prince's cheeks.

"My courage."

You squinted, now more confused than ever. Courage? When was Fili ever afraid?

Before you could figure out what he had meant, he took a knee, his eyes remaining on yours and his hands engulfing your much smaller ones. "(Y/n), I am no good with speeches, so I will just tell you what I have to say. I love you, amrâlimê. I have never loved anyone like this, and besides you, I never will. I wish for nothing less than to spend the rest of my life with you, by your side. I do not have a ring with which to present to you, but I swear by the Aulë I shall forge you one as soon as we get home. Will you be with me, and become my wife?" he finished, his eyes searching yours, full of hope.

You were crying now, but every tear was one of elation. "Yes! Yes, you silly dwarf!! Yes!!"

For EleanorLearn . Sorry it's so short and late😭😭

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