Something Special (Merry)

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Dedicated to the lovely FrodoFangirl123 ❤️


Brianna sat in her favorite armchair, contemplating how she would go about cooking her meal tonight. Today was her birthday, but she didn't think much of it. It wasn't her 33rd birthday, so it wasn't really that important. She honestly just wanted to have some much needed quiet time, alone.

She cracked open her favorite book and put her feet up, expecting a long evening to herself, when there was a sudden knock on the door.

Brianna sighed and closed her eyes. The one time she wanted o be alone, someone had to bother her!

Earlier, Merry's POV

Merry Brandybuck walked through the open market, looking for something to buy for Brianna's birthday. He'd always loved her, and she loved him, they both knew that.

But Merry really needed to find the perfect gift for his love, something she would cherish forever. He suddenly burst into a wide grin. He knew exactly what to get her!

Present time, third person's POV

Brianna opened the door to find Merry at her doorstep. His handsome face glowed with a bright smile, and his eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Hello Merry," she said, a little tired.

"Hello darling. Happy birthday, first off!" He engulfed her in a huge bear hug.

Brianna cracked a smile and hugged him back. It was a simple, yet sweet gesture that they often used to calm each other and simultaneously say 'I love you.'

"Thank you," she giggled. "Is that all you came here to say?" she asked as they let go of each other.

"Nope!" Merry grinned even wider. "I have a gift for you!" he declared, taking Brianna's hand and leading her down her front pathway and around to the back of her house.

"Meriadoc Brandybuck," she started to scold him, "this better not be one of your hair-brained pranks you always pull on m-" Brianna froze at what she saw.

A goat, tied to a post in her backyard fence.

Brianna squealed excitedly. "Oh, Merry! I love goats!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!" She hugged him tightly once again before quickly running over to the goat, patting her head and caressing her soft ears.

"What're you gonna name 'er?" Merry asked as he stood beside Brianna.

"Hmm.." she thought for a moment, then smiled brightly. "Merriana!"

Merry looked puzzled. "Wha's that?"

"It's our names put together," Brianna said shyly, fiddling with the edge of her pretty white pinafore.

Merry lovingly took Brianna's hands in his much bigger ones. "I think it's perfect," he said quietly, then kissed her forehead tenderly.

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