Crowns and Tiaras (Thranduil x Daughter!Reader)

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"Ada! Ada! Look at me!" young (Y/n) giggled, turning her father's gaze to her small form. She twirled around on the soft, carpeted floor of King Thranduil's bedroom, her puffy silken dress swirling around and flying around in the air about her knees.

Thranduil chuckled at the sight of his adorable little girl, and bent down to her eye level. "Well, aren't you just a precious little princess?" He steadied her with his gentle hand as she stopped twirling and began to dizzily sway. She giggled once more and fell into her father's chest, throwing her arms around his neck.

He smiled lovingly and planted a soft kiss on her platinum hair, standing up to hold her in his strong arms.

(Y/n) suddenly leaned forward and ripped Thranduil's twig and berry crown from his head and firmly set it on hers. "Now I'm you, Ada!" she cried and waved her hands around excitedly.

Thranduil laughed, his deep voice flowing throughout the halls of Mirkwood like a melodious song that had yet to be learned by men. "My sweet, you have a crown of your own." He waltzed to his chest of drawers and plucked up her silver and amethyst circlet from the wooden dresser's marble top. He placed it gently on her fair hair after removing his own, and she laughed happily, patting her tiara.

"I'm pretty!" she declared confidently.

"Yes, my little butterfly. Yes you are."

For LightElsa 💙💙

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