Brother May I? (Merry x Hobbit!Sam'sSister!Reader)

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This was requested by my beautiful and charming bff, EleanorLearn , just so you know this one might be a bit short, there's gonna be timeskips so it may be a bit hard to follow??

Your name is Gilly 💙💙


Samwise Gamgee, your elder brother, was very protective of you, thus his refusal to let you accompany the Fellowship was to be expected. You begged and pleaded and cried, but he never caved in.

Which is why you resorted to following them. 

You mainly wanted to tag along because you thought an adventure sounded quite exciting, a good break from the usual routine. Also because you wanted to be closer to the hobbit you secretly fancied, Meriadoc Brandybuck. You had told Sam of this of course, but he never approved, always saying that he was far too irresponsible or mischievous to be good for you. 

So you decided to follow the four hobbits, and when Sam discovered you had been with them all along, Sam was far, far less than pleased. Merry was actually very happy that you were now with them, but he also became quite concerned, worried that you'd be hurt.

The worst was when the Fellowship had been attacked by the Uruk-Hai. Sam could see you, Merry, and Pippin being carried away by the foul orcs, and he had never wept more in his entire life. He thought for sure that you would be killed, and Frodo did his best to keep his gardener's spirits and hopes up. 

You were actually quite safe, in the protection of Merry and Pippin. They never let you out of their sight, even when in danger. But by the end, you and Merry had grown so close that you two had decided to court secretly. Letting him go to war was the hardest thing you had ever had to do, but you knew that he would come back to you. And come back he did. A little bruised and battered and scarred to be sure, physically and emotionally, but he had held on for you.

Sam (and Frodo) was beyond relieved when he found out that you were okay, and when he saw how much you and Merry loved each other he gave his blessing towards the courtship and eventual marriage.

As far as being lucky went, it was a toss-up between having Sam as a brother and having Merry as a lover.



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