This Seems a Little Fishy (Company X Mermaid!Reader)

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Gandalf led the Company and Bilbo towards a river that he knew of, so that everyone could wash up and refill their water skins. The whole traveling company had just gone through a length of dry land and wind, causing them to get quite filthy and thirsty.

As Kili and Balin tied up the ponies to nearby trees, and Bombur, Bifur, Nori, and Gloin set up camp, Fili, Thorin, Oin, Ori, Dwalin, Bofur, Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thorin strode down to the river to bathe first.

But as the other dwarves stripped down and got into the gently flowing water (being sure to splash each other and mess around of course), Gandalf paused. (A/n don't worry, Gandalf doesn't need to get clean as much as they do 😂 that'd be even weirder. I mean this already is weird but if he were to...ew..)

The old wizard looked out at the river, narrowing his eyes at something no one else could see.

Bilbo sat down on the bank, about to dip his large hobbit feet in to cool off before he would modestly wash himself~with his clothes on (😂 can you imagine?!)~, when he saw Gandalf looking into the river, as if he had spotted something of danger or curiosity. "What's wrong, Gandalf?" he addressed his friend.

Gandalf kept his eyes on the laughing brook that seemed to trip and fall over stones on its way. (Brownie points to whoever knows what that's from) "There's something in the water.." he muttered absentmindedly.

Bilbo carefully stood up on the bank, no longer wishing to get into some kind of infested waters. "What's in the water, Gandalf?" he asked worriedly.

The wizard looked towards the company's burglar with what looked like a slightly amused expression written on his wrinkled, old face. "Someone I haven't seen in a long time, Master Baggins."

Bilbo squinted in confusion. ", wha-"

"AAAGGHHHH!!!!!" a female voice screamed as the owner of the voice's head popped up above the surface of the water, a horrified look on her face.

"AAAGGHHHH!!!!!" the dwarves and Bilbo replied in unison, all of the dwarves staying in the water but backing up to the bank in a group. (Basically their faces were Bofur's face here:)

"AAAGGHHHH!!!!!" the strange girl screamed again, her eyes not holding a look of fear, but rather shock

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"AAAGGHHHH!!!!!" the strange girl screamed again, her eyes not holding a look of fear, but rather shock.

"AAAGGHHHH!!!!!" Bilbo and the dwarves once again echoed, the other dwarves who had been working on setting up camp and such running up to them to see what was wrong.

The blonde girl took in a deep, sharp breath and snapped her head towards Gandalf. "Gandalf!! What are you doing here? What are they" she pointed towards the cowering dwarves at the bank of the river, "doing here?!"

Gandalf held a hand out towards her in a calming gesture. "There is no need for alarm, (y/n). I simply realized too late that this was your river. I apologize for the mistake."

"Her river?" Thorin asked astoundedly to no one in particular.

(Y/n) shook her head at Gandalf, a smile forming on her lips. "Not at all, my dear friend. But pray tell me, why are you accompanied by these dwarves?" She threw a glance at the men who were now clothed, having dressed a bit while she and Gandalf had been speaking.

"They are on a quest to take back their homeland from the dragon Smaug," Gandalf said heroically, as if they had accomplished the great feat already.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at this, and her head snapped back to face Gandalf. "Erebor?" she squeaked. He nodded. "It's been so long since I've heard anything of Erebor!" She swam to the bank where Gandalf, Bilbo, and the dwarves stood, where a large rock stood guard as well, and used her strong arms to haul herself onto the grassy shore. All 13 dwarves and Bilbo gasped at the sight of (y/n)'s lower body.

She had no legs. Only a fish-like tail.

"What sort of witchcraft is this??" Dwalin roared.

Dori pushed Ori protectively farther back into the huddled group of dwarves. "She's obviously under some evil spell!" he added.

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes and smacked her bright orange tail onto the rock, using the incredibly strong muscles in her tail to lift herself onto it in a sitting position with her lower half still gripping the rock. She wore a simple silken half-tunic, and a blue underwater flower in her flowing blonde hair.

"She is under no enchantment, Dori, Dwalin. (Y/n) is a mermaid. One of the water-folk." (Y/n) straightened her back proudly at this. "A being with the upper half of a human, and the lower half of a fish."

"She's beautiful," Kili breathed in awe.

"Aye, that she is," Fili and Bofur agreed quietly.

Even Ori stared at her luscious facial features, as if he were not able to tear his eyes away from her.

Bilbo was the only one to blush and look away.

"Please tell me about your quest," (y/n) quietly begged them, her voice purring. "What was Erebor like?" She grinned, showing off her pearly white teeth. "I want to know everything."

Sorry that ended weird. I couldn't think of a proper way to end it, and I wanted to post it before I went to sleep. I'm still sick, and I work in the

Thanks for everything guys!

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