Can I Sleep With You? (Fili)

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You sat up suddenly, woken from your deep slumber by the cacophonous thunder outside the kingdom of Erebor. You felt warm with fear, and yet chilled to the bone in a cold sweat. You had had a fear of thunderstorms ever since you were a child, when lightning had struck a tree nearby your home. For such a young child, that had been pretty traumatizing.

You laid down and attempted to fall asleep again, but the loud clap of thunder sounded once more, and you gave up. "I can't take this anymore," you murmured to yourself nervously. "I wonder if Fili is awake..."

You heaved one of your thick woolen blankets over your shoulders and made your way to the wooden door that separated your warm room from the rest of the freezing corridors of Erebor.

Walking down the stone halls, shivering as you discovered you had no stockings on, you finally reached the room belonging to the eldest heir of the kingdom. Trembling as yet another roar of thunder echoed throughout the halls again, you rapped your white knuckles on the thick wooden door, hoping it was loud enough to arouse him from his slumber (if he was asleep) or to hear over the raging storm outside.

It took a couple of moments before you heard anything, but you eventually picked up Fili's strong voice on the other side of the door.

"Come in!" he bellowed, not bothering to ask who it was.

You quickly opened the door and sprint into the toasty warm room, closing the door behind you. You could see Fili sitting up on his elbows and peering in your direction to see who you were. "(Y/n)?" he murmured groggily.

You smiled at his adorable state. "Yes, amrâlimê, it's me." In the faint firelight you could see the small smile on his bearded face, bringing a smile to your own lips. You walked closer to him and knelt by his beside.

"Why are you here, ghivashel?" he asked, his voice husky with sleep, and took your petite hands in his much bigger ones, his eyes widening in shock at how cold they were.

"...I couldn't really go to sleep," you admitted hesitantly. "The..the thunderstorm. It scares me." You flinched as the thunder sounded again outside the thick stone walls of the kingdom.

Fili's eyes softened in compassion at your dilemma. "Oh, amrâlimê. I am so sorry you were scared. Would you like to stay here with me tonight?"

"Yes," you replied with a small smile, and began to stroke your lover's golden hair with one hand, the other still in his grasp, eliciting a low moan of pleasure from him. (I still can't write that with a normal face. Like, it's not even remotely referring to that but it's still such an accurate yet awkward way to phrase things. But, it's what happened, so..) "Thank you, Fili," you said gratefully as you slid the heavy blanket off of your bare shoulders.

He shook his head. "I should be the one thanking you, my love. You know I love it when you mess with my hair." He looked over to you as you laughed, then blushed at seeing what you were wearing. Or rather, what you weren't wearing.

You were dressed in your usual nighttime garb, consisting of a thin cotton dress, and not much more than that. You tended to get very hot at night, even though you were alone under the covers, which always perplexed you. It's not even like it wasn't covering your body very well, it was like a normal dress, just a bit thinner and looser. But apparently it was enough to cause Fili to completely freeze.

"Fili?" you snapped him out of his staring, which caused him to blush even more, somehow.

"S-sorry, (y/n). Are you cold? Here, take my tunic." He reached to the footboard at the end of the bed where the tunic he had worn that day lay, handing it to you.

"Thank you," you said again, and pulled his huge blue tunic over your small frame. It was so huge on you, you felt like you could drown in it.

"You look adorable, ghivashel." You looked up to see him grinning at you, and you smiled back, blushing. He spread his arms, ready to take you in. "Ready for sleep, love?"

You nodded and fell into his embrace, and he tugged you into the fluffy bed, throwing the covers over your legs and torso. You snuggled into his chest, and he wrapped his strong arms protectively around your waist.

You felt a heated blush creep up your neck and dust your cheeks as Fili pressed a soft, sweet kiss to your lips. "Sleep well, amrâlimê," he bid you goodnight, and quickly began to snore quietly.

You fell asleep soon after, but not after pondering how lucky you were to have him as your One.

For EleanorLearn , I hope you like it!
I tried to make it as fluffy as possible, lol!

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