The Accidental Silent Treatment (Dwalin)

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Thorin had assigned you and Dwalin to find some wood to help Gloin with the fire for camp.

Perfect! you had thought. Some alone time with my favorite dwarf! Maybe he'll actually talk to me this time.

You see, Dwalin usually avoided you, in presence and in conversation, no matter how hard you'd tried to talk to him. You weren't sure why he did this; Bofur and Balin said it was because he fancied you but didn't want you to know (like that made any sense), but you were simply hoping that he didn't hate you. That would at least be a good start. You could build off of tolerance.

So once you and the burly warrior set out to find some dry twigs, branches, and logs (you could only carry the twigs and thin branches), you began a conversation, in hopes that he would join in.

"I like your prints, Master Dwalin," you complemented him shyly. (By prints I mean tattoos, in case anyone was confused)

He only nodded and grunted a 'thank you,' and continued to search for suitable wood on the forest floor.

You blinked back tears of frustration and sadness, trying to figure out how this man was so thick-headed. "I uh...would get one myself, but Dori would never allow it," you finished with a bit of a nervous laugh, recalling how your eldest brother had yelled at you that a print on a lady was the most disgraceful thing he'd ever heard of, while Nori had told you to do what you wanted. Ori hadn't said anything, as he was just a babe at the time.

You looked over to Dwalin only to see that he didn't even seem to notice that you had been speaking. You felt the tears build up again, to strongly now to attempt to stop them from flowing past your lashes. They slid down your face and silently hit the forest floor, the only sound coming from you being a few sniffs and small squeaks from trying to hold it all in.

For once, you didn't pay attention to Dwalin, fighting for but a glance from him or a few words. You simply sank down to reunite with the tears that had fallen from your flushed face, letting more join them. You accidentally let a sob free, which had (unbeknownst to you) attracted the attention of the burly dwarf.

His eyes widened and he carefully set down the logs and branches that he had had in his arms. He slowly walked to you and knelt down beside you, placing a rough but gently hand on your shaking shoulder.

At the touch, you let it all go, crying out loud and clear for anyone to hear, the sound of your broken heart resonating through the forest. "What is the matter, lassie?" Dwalin asked you softly, quite unlike the usual gruff version of himself.

You gasped for breath between sobs, enjoying the warmth of Dwalin's touch. "I-it's just..I-I-I-I can-can't-"

"Hey there now," he cooed gently, starting to rub your back comfortingly. "Breathe, lassie. Ya won't get anywhere with trying to talk like that."

After a while, you had decently composed yourself, and attempted speech once more. "I can't ever get your attention. No matter how hard I try, you never notice me. You always ignore me and avoid me! Why?!" Your tears began to spring up behind your eyes yet again, but you pushed them down, determined not to cry.

Dwalin's eyes became practically the same size as dinner plates. "Oh, lass! I'm sorry..I didn't mean to hurt yer feelings. I just...I don't know how to approach ya..or talk to ya. How could I dare to be in the presence of a beautiful and strong young woman such as yourself?" he asked with a smile.

You curled up into him, and he gladly received you, pulling you into his burly chest and holding you there in his strong arms.

"I love ya, (y/n)," he said quietly into your hair, almost nervously.

"I love you too," you choked out, holding back sobs of joy as you snuggled further into the soft fur of his coat.

He carried you all the way back to camp, a much better prize than wood, and instantly frowned at the 'awws' the company gave the two of you. You giggled, but Dwalin simply told them to shut up.

No longer would he ignore you, for now he knew you loved him as much as he loved you.

For EleanorLearn , sorry it's so bad, I'm so tired, and I kept falling asleep😂😂😆
Night everyone, I'm off for two days, so expect UPDATES!!😃😃

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