It's For Your Own Good (Fili)

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Your POV

I think back to how I came to be here. Living with his houseguest of course. I was going to marry Fili son of Dís, but when we asked for Thorin's blessing upon our marriage, he adamantly refused, saying that a dwarven princess would better suit his eldest nephew.


"But Uncle!" Fili protested. "I love (y/n)! She is my One!"

"Fili-" Thorin began to say, but the prince interrupted him furiously.

"If you will not allow me to marry her, then we will leave and find someone who will!"

I gasped at this, not expecting Fili to take our situation this far. He would give up his crown, his title, the throne, for me?

"Amrâlimê," I soothed him quietly, "there is no need to be so rash."

"But there is!" he insisted, turning to me. "You mean everything to me, (y/n), and I can't just let this happen! I can't give you up!"

I shook my head, breaking the eye contact I had held with my lover. "This is for the best, Fili." It pained me to admit that I was best for us to separate, but the look of betrayal in his beautiful crystal blue eyes was what hurt me the most.

", ghivashel, do not say that," he warned quietly, tears beginning to swim in his eyes.

"I am sorry...but I should leave. Marry the princess, Fili. Your uncle knows what is best for you. And it isn't me."

"B-but it is! You are!!" Fili yelled, choking on tears.

Tears now ran freely down both our faces, and I gently pulled him to me, and kissed him one last time.

I didn't want to pull away, but I had no choice, and so I did. I turned, and left. Without so much as a goodbye.


I didn't want to. But I had to.

So now I sit here in Bilbo's hobbit hole, contemplating how I should continue my life. I cannot keep burdening Master Baggins with my presence, and I deeply miss the excitement of the outside world. The world outside of the Shire. I yearn to see Erebor once again, but I fear that if I go there, I will be too heartbroken, knowing that Fili is there and not with me.

"(Y/n)!" Bilbo shouts my name from another room; I can hear his large hobbit feet slap against the wood floor in an uncharacteristically loud manner.

"Yes, Bilbo?" I holler back, only to find he has appeared right beside me, making me jump. "Sorry," I apologize for yelling when he was by my side.

He waves me off with a small smile and holds up a folded piece of paper. "Thorin sent this to me," he explained, handing it to me.

"Is this another contract, Bilbo?" I ask with a smirk.

He laughs and shakes his head. "Thank goodness, no. It's a reply to a letter I sent him a few weeks ago. I..told him how sad you were. About leaving Fili. I told him that making you leave Fili...your One, was wrong. You two should not have been separated. I mean, look at you, you constantly look like a kicked puppy. That's no way for a future princess to behave," he adds with a sentimental wink. "Thorin said Fili and that other girl broke off the marriage a few days after it was officiated, since she saw that he did not love her. She has no hard feelings, so that's good, he says. He um..also said that they..didn't," he pauses awkwardly and moves his hands around in circles, searching for the correct words, "consummate the that's also good. Anyway, Thorin says he'll come with Kili and Fili to bring you back to Erebor..for your wedding with Fili."

I laugh and hug Bilbo, thanking him over and over again for standing up for me and summoning them here.

>>>10 months later (traveling that distance takes a while)<<<

It's just a regular day, just like the past year of regular days that I have been spending with Bilbo Baggins. It has been so long since that letter was opened and we discovered that Thorin and his nephews would be coming to fetch me.

"Lovely tea today, Bilbo," I complement with a smile as I take a cautious sip of my steaming hot chamomile, as I always do at 3 o'clock.

Bilbo nods and dips a biscuit in his tea, thanking me before biting into the sweet sugar cookie. "Would you like a biscuit, (y/n)?" he asks, holding the little ceramic plate full of them out to me.

I smile and nod my head so hard it felt as if it might fly off of my neck, causing the hobbit to laugh. I take three biscuits and decide that that would be enough sugar in my diet today.

Before I can take a bite of my delicious cookie, a heavy knock resounded from the round green door.

Bilbo and I looked to each other with wide eyes before jumping up to run to the door, forgetting all about our tea and biscuits.

Bilbo reaches the door before I can, and opens it hastily with fumbling fingers. His smile that greets the three of the line of Durin is blinding and full of joy, but all I can do is produce a guttural cry made up of many different emotions and leap into Fili's waiting arms, immediately locking my lips with his lovingly, almost desperately.

Nobody's POV

Kili and Thorin grinned at the sight of Fili and (y/n)'s reunion, and continued into the master burglar's hobbit hole, as they did nearly two years ago.

"Would you fancy a cup of chamomile?" Bilbo offered the two. "O-or perhaps (y/n)'s biscuits? I don't think she'll be finishing them any time soon."

For EleanorLearn , I hope you liked it!😁

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