Merry Merry-Go-Round (Fili)

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"(Y/n)!" Thorin called your name, beckoning you to his throne. You quickly approached him and curtsied deeply in respect.

"Yes, thanu men?" You wondered what he wanted from you. (Thanu men is Khuzdul for my King. Believe it or not I remembered that off the top of my head.)

"I need you to make a journey to Mirkwood to collect trading papers from King Thranduil." Fili, who was standing on Thorin's right side (and who was gazing at you dreamily), looked to his uncle with an astonished look on his handsome face.

"Alone?" you asked incredulously, but not without a careful tone of respect.

King Thorin merely chuckled. "Not alone, little hobbit. You shall be accompanied by some of Erebor's finest cavalry, in case you run into trouble."

As the dwarf king discussed the last minute details of your impromptu trip with the soldiers, Fili walked down from the dais and to your small form.

"Do you know how long you will be gone for?" he asked quietly, almost timidly.

You shrugged, blushing a bit at the fact that he was standing pretty close to you. You two were great friends, quite close indeed, but whenever one got too close to the other, the both of you would blush like crazy. "Depends. If we get held up then it'll take us longer."

Fili nodded, mentally berating himself for the red that was creeping up his neck. "Hopefully you won't run into any trouble," he said with a chuckle.

You joined in with your own cute laugh. "Yes, I hope so!" Thorin called for you once more, and said you must depart immediately. You rode off not a moment later, without a chance to say goodbye to Fili.

>>>about 45 days later<<<

You arrived back in Erebor, hopping off your pony and handing the reins to a soldier, who led the animal off to the royal stables. Another soldier held the important papers, the very reason you had been sent on the journey, and left to deliver them to the King.

You ascended the stairs that led into the kingdom of Erebor, but before you could get one foot inside the fortress, you were picked up in someone's strong grasp.

You gasped and looked down to see that it was Fili who had thrust you into the air. You giggled, he laughed, and you both grinned as he spun you around in circles.

Before you could get too dizzy, he set you down and immediately engulfed you in a warm dwarf hug, resting his chin atop your head (seeing you were so short, being a hobbit and all).

"What was that for?" you asked, breathless from laughing and from being pressed against Fili's chest so.

His answer was more than enough to send happy shivers down your spine. "I just realized that I'm in love with you, and it's the greatest feeling ever."

For EleanorLearn , I hope you liked it!! It was fun to write, also sorry it's late!!😭😭😔

🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉For EleanorLearn , I hope you liked it!! It was fun to write, also sorry it's late!!😭😭😔

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