My Angel of Music (Dwalin x Hobbit!Reader)

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If you get that reference, then you get this box of cookies: 📦

For the lovely and adorable EleanorLearn , I hope you like this!!

The song is Nocturne by Celtic Woman, hit play at the 🎶!!


You were shy. Not all the time, but especially around strangers. You refused to talk to people you didn't know unless someone you knew was introducing them to you. Now maybe if you were feeling brave you'd talk to a stranger, in a dire situation.

But never would you sing.

Until now.

Well, you hadn't exactly planned upon singing for the entire Company of Thorin Oakenshield, it sort of just...happened.

You see, you quite enjoyed helping Bombur make the meals for the Company, as you loved to cook back home in the Shire. So one night, as you were cutting up vegetables and tossing them into the pot, you began to hum a lullaby sort of song that your mother had used to sing to you when you were but a small hobbitling.


Before long, the humming turned into full on singing, the fact that you were surrounded by dwarves (and Gandalf and Bilbo, two of your good friends) completely forgotten.

Now let the day just slip away

So the dark night may watch over you

Velvet blue, silent, true

It embraces your heart and your soul


Everyone halted their conversations and chores to listen to you and gawk, as they had barely ever even heard you talk before. You were always so quiet, your answers to questions and small voice of opinions here and there never above a whisper. How could any of them know you could sing like this?! Well, aside from Gandalf and Bilbo that is.

Never cry, never sigh

You don't have to wonder why

Always be, always see

Come and dream the night with me


Fili and Kili had begun to sway softly where they sat, the softness and gentleness of both the song and your voice somewhat foreign to them, as dwarvish lullabies tended to be more...well, dwarvish.

Bofur, Dori, and Ori had closed their eyes and let smiles wander onto their lips, the silky sound of your sweet voice soothing and relaxing.

Dwalin, Thorin, Bombur, and Gloin simply stared at you, completely astounded at your impromptu performance.

Oin and Balin were not so surprised. Being the older, wiser dwarves in the group, they somehow knew this beautiful talent lied within you somewhere, and it just had to show itself at the right time. However, they did not enjoy your singing any less.

Have no fear when the night draws near

And fills you with dreams and desire

Like a child asleep, so warm, so deep

You will find me there, waiting for you


We will fly, claim the sky

We don't have to wonder why

Always be, always see

Come and dream the night with me


The darkness they, it will give way

When the dark night delivers the day


As your voice dwindled off into the silence, you suddenly noticed that everyone had been listening to the whole thing.

You whipped around to see most of the company sitting nearby, a bit disappointed that you had finished. Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed.

"That was lovely, lass," Balin sighed, everyone quickly joining in, even Dwalin grunted with a nod in your direction, a high complement to come from him.

"Sing again!" Kili cried, and soon everyone was encouraging you to sing them another ditty, but you simply shouted at them, anger taking over your embarrassment.

"Why would you listen in on me?!" you shrieked. "And besides, staring is awfully rude!"

They merely laughed—laughed—and told you that you were too cute to be yelling, which only fanned the flame of your wrath.

Luckily for you and everyone else, Dwalin picked up on how frustrated and fed up you were with the whole situation, and rose from his seat on a log. He carefully approached you, setting a heavy hand on your shoulder, and led you to where he and Thorin sat to eat, allowing Bombur to finish cooking supper and the other dwarves to go back to their regular routine.

You sat there between the dwarf prince and his best friend, sulking in your own swamp of thoughts. That is, until Dwalin spoke up.

"Ya did sound good though, lass," he grunted, his eyes trained on the campfire.

"Thank you," you whispered, not looking away from the fire either.

You two would grow to be much much closer, eventually courting and getting married—after Erebor was reclaimed of course, your wedding day coinciding with Thorin's coronation day.

And you never refused him a song when he asked for one, Dwalin stating they were 'his private concerts.'

But hey, how could you say no?

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