Willing Sacrifice (Haldir x Elf!Reader)

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PLEASE listen to the music, starting at the 🎶
It will not have the same effect without it!
I searched for a solid 10 minutes through BrunuhVille's emotional sad music for the right one, and I knew this one was the one as soon as I heard it, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I'll be writing as I listen to the music, but the music might end up lasting longer than the oneshot itself.
Thank you all!
lotrismylife , this is for you💙 I added in a couple facts about the reader that you didn't mention, hope you don't mind the poetic license I took😄


The orc army suddenly rushes the fortress wall.

One of the soldiers had accidentally loosed his arrow, killing an orc and breaking the code of honorable fighting and conduct. It was an accident, but it infuriated the orcs, as it would anyone.

And so, we brace ourselves, draw every ounce of bravery that we have left within our hearts, and draw back our arrows, waiting for Haldir's and Aragorn's command.

I am the second in command to Haldir, Haldir being the captain of the elven army of Lorien. My name is Vilionneth, and I am the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn. I decided to join the army of Lorien, but when offered a position as captain (purely for my social status), I immediately declined. Haldir deserved that position more than anyone, and I wasn't about to take that away from him.

So there we were, armed and ready, ready for death, ready to die for Middle Earth.

In the blur of charging orcs, I hear Haldir and Aragorn shouting orders, and I release my first arrow immediately, allowing it to bury itself into an orc's neck, killing it instantly. Amongst the cries of orcs, men, and elves alike, I release arrow after arrow, shouting war cries and curses myself.

Always following Haldir's every order.

>>>timeskip to after the wall gets blown up (I'm pretty sure that's before Haldir dies in the movie, if not then just correct it in your head😂)<<<

I can barely tell who is friend and who is foe. Orcs are everywhere, and I am doing my best to destroy as many as I can.

As I look to my right to ask Haldir if we should fall back, I see a huge, ugly orc right behind him, ready to cut into his back with his axe.

I gasp and run to my captain's aid, throwing myself between the two, and the last thing I can remember is immense pain.


Haldir's POV

"Vilionneth!!" I cry. The orc that had tried to cut me down from behind had buried its axe into Vilionneth's stomach.

I quickly behead the orc, mostly out of anger, and turn to the one I so dearly love.

"Vilionneth," my voice falters unwillingly. "Please don't leave me! Don't leave me, melleth nin!"

I grasp her hand as she coughs up blood and winces in agony. "H-Haldir..?" she asks shakily. "M-my...capt-tain..?"

I shake my head vigorously, refusing to be called by that title. "Call me Haldir, melleth," I respond before carefully picking her up bridal style. "I will get you to a healer immediately." And with that, I retreat into the fortress, off to find a healer.

>>>after the battle<<<

Your (Vilionneth's) POV

I slowly open my eyes to see Haldir sitting by my bedside, fast asleep. I attempt to sit up straight, but as I begin to try, my abdomen erupts in pain. I bite back a scream and lay back down, not wanting to wake Haldir up from his slumber. He looks so peaceful like this.

I must be content with lying down for a while now; apparently taking a blow to the stomach with an axe is not something you recover from very quickly.

I reach over to tap Haldir's knee, but he does not stir. He remains slumped in his chair, his long, white-blonde hair a mess. He has dark circles underneath his eyes, and he looks a bit thinner. It looks as if he has not slept in days.

"Haldir," I whisper, thankful that my voice had not been damaged.

He frowns a bit, but does not move just the same.

"Haldir," I prompt a bit louder, causing him to snort and jerk awake. Once his eyes land on me, they grow wide.

"Vilionneth!" he cries, and crumples weakly off of his chair to kneel by my bedside. "How are you feeling?"

"Miserable," I reply truthfully. "Everything hurts."

Haldir nods, and sends one of the maids nearby after a nurse. Once the nurse comes to give me more pain medicine and leaves, Haldir takes my hand again, this time with more gentleness and less desperation.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask hesitantly.

"Three days," Haldir answers, not really surprising me. "It was agonizing for me, having to watch you writhe in pain in your unconscious state, not being able to help you. I neither slept nor ate. I couldn't. Not until I could know you were alright."

I smirk. "You did eventually fall asleep though."

He rolls his eyes and smiles. "Yes, I suppose I did." He sighs contentedly, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "You have no idea how relieved and happy I am that you are alright, melleth nin," he says, almost absentmindedly, before blushing like a mad man.

I blush as well, but a smile breaks over my face. "You..you love me?" I can only whisper in hope.

He nods quickly. "I do." His eyes fill up with tears, as do mine, but only with the purest of joy.

"Vilionneth, when you are well and healed, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Haldir asks, struggling to keep his voice and emotions under control.

I begin to cry, thankful that I had my pain medicine administered so that I cannot feel the sobs wracking my stomach. "Yes!" I shout with glee, tears still streaming down my cheeks on either side of my face, past my ears and into my hair and the pillow beneath my head.

Finally, the captain of the guard is mine.

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