Babysitter (Fili x Hobbit!Reader)

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EleanorLearn , I just know this is going to be the most fun I've had writing a oneshot in a while! I'm so hype!! Anyway, in this one, you are Bilbo's daughter. Don't worry about having a mom, just pretend she's idk dead or something. Doesn't matter. She's not in this anyhow.


You rode on a shaggy brown pony in front of your father, Bilbo, who sat on the pack pony awkwardly. He had decided to take the pack pony over the free one, saying that you needed the comfort more than he did (what he didn't mention was that he figured the stuff behind him on the saddle would help him stay on and keep his balance).

With Bilbo behind you and Fili and Kili on either side of you, you were never bored. Fili constantly told you embarrassing stories about his 'little' brother, while Kili denied all of them and told you not to listen to the blond prince, telling you jokes and winking at you from time to time.

"Wait," you said, still recovering from your laughter attack from a joke Kili had just finished telling you, "so Fili is your older brother?"

Kili rolled his eyes. "Yes, but only by 5 years."

"You should have seen him when he was small," Fili grinned at you. "Well, smaller."

Kili shot a glare at his brother, but you only furrowed your brow in confusion. "How old are you two, anyway?"

Fili smirked. "I am 82, and my little brother is only 77."

You weren't really surprised; you had heard that dwarves could live to be up to 250 years old. You nodded, "Sounds about right," you muttered to yourself.

"So how old are you, (y/n)?" Kili asked with a smile.

You straightened your back and puffed your chest out proudly. "I am 25 years old. So I'm a little bit younger than you," you finished, giggling.

Unbeknownst to you, Kili looked to Fili with an expression of astonishment and something like fear. Fili returned the expression and turned to the front of the company, where Thorin led them all through the forest.

"Uncle!" he cried, spurring his pony forward so that he was parallel to Thorin (and attracting the attention of more than a few other dwarves). "We need to stop here and make camp!"

Thorin glanced at his eldest nephew in surprise, but quickly hid it behind a majestic glare. "Why do you suggest that?"

"Because, (y/n) needs to eat and rest! She's been on the road all day and she's so young!" Fili was quite desperate now.

Thorin paused, thinking. "How old is she, then, since it concerns you so?"

"Uncle, she is only 25!"

Thorin gasped at this, and twisted around on his pony to face his company, bringing his pony to a halt. "Master Baggins!!" he shouted to Bilbo, who was near the middle of the group.

The poor hobbit looked scared for his life as Thorin approached him, having swung off of his own pony, and Bilbo soon dismounted as well. "Y-yes?"

"Why have you brought a child as young as (y/n) along with you??" Thorin asked loudly as Kili and Fili helped you down from your pony.

"Young?.." Bilbo trailed off in confusion. "(Y/n) is not very young, she is 25 years of age-"

"That is practically infancy, Master Baggins! Why did you have to bring her? She could get hurt! Children should be protected!" Calming down from his rant, the dwarf king approached you with a much softer, kinder, more fatherly expression. "Do not be afraid, little one. We will look after you." He gently picked you up like one would a small child (you were a hobbit, after all, and hobbits are small even compared to dwarves), and carried you to your bedroll, which was the first one that had been prepared. Gloin proudly stood by it, ready to look after you further, having experience as a father.

"Take good care of her, Gloin," Thorin instructed quietly, turning to Bombur and telling him to immediately begin cooking supper. Dwarf children needed to eat every hour, and the dwarves were determined to look after you properly.

That night began your pampering, which would continue until you reached Erebor.

Every dwarf would take turns telling you exciting stories, Bombur gave you the most stew when supper was finished cooking, and Balin, Dwalin, Gloin, Bombur, and Thorin made it their specific duty to look after you like fathers.

Fili on the other hand, was more like a handsome babysitter.

He constantly kept you close, gently brushed your hair every morning and evening, stood guard when you bathed (you insisted that bathing was the one thing everyone could trust you to do alone), and sometimes even braided your hair back so it wouldn't fly into your face all day.

You now had something even better than the journey to look forward to every day.

Being babysat by Fili.

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now