Safe and Sound (Fili)

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For EleanorLearn , I hope you get better soon, honey!!


Thorin, Dwalin, and I are standing below an icy rock cliff, our eyes trained on Azog the Defiler, who has just revealed Fili in his grasp.

I inhale sharply, my senses now hightened as I see my One in the possession of the pale orc. Azog says something in black speech, his native tongue, and of course none of us understand it, but I can only imagine it was something about killing Fili and destroying the line of Durin.

Before he can kill my beloved however, I snatch up a sharp rock from the frozen ground below me, and throw it with surprising precision at Azog's head. It hits him right between the eyes, and knocks him off his white warg, also causing him to drop Fili in the process.

Fili quickly runs to the side, down the part of the cliff that gradually slopes to the ground, joining us on the frozen river. He engulf me in a warm, trembling hug as a Thorin and Dwalin taunt the recovered Azog.

"Let us find Kili," Fili says quickly, and before I can answer, he pulls me by my wrist through a narrow passageway that led to another clearing.

Once we spot Kili we also have the misfortune of seeing Bolg fighting him. And it is pretty obvious Kili is losing.

Fili pushes me aside, against the stone wall behind us, and charges at Bolg with his sword drawn. While he is fighting the orc and distracting him from Kili, the young dark-haired dwarf runs to my side, exhausted.

"You rest here," I say soothingly, and help him sit with his back to the stone wall. "I'll help Fili."

"Be careful, (y/n)," Kili pants. "Big brother wouldn't want any harm to come to his ghivashel."

I blush at this, but run to help Fili battle Bolg just the same. I throw an arrow at our enemy, but he dodges it, now taking me in as a target. He roughly shoves Fili to the icy floor, but just as he raises his sword to cut me down, he falls to the ground with a shudder and a bloody gurgle deep in his throat.

Fili and I look up in confusion to see who had killed the orc, and were met with the sight of Legolas. "Thank you, Prince Legolas," I smile and bow in respect.

He offers a small smile and presses a hand to his heart, then outward to me, which I now remember is an Elvish custom of endearment. "Where is your leader, Thorin Oakenshield?" Legolas asks Fili and I, and the question brings my heart to my boots.

What if Thorin is dead?

"We must find him," Fili answers for me, his face just as pale as mine. "Last we saw him he was battling Azog the Defiler, probably with Dwalin as his only help." He stands up and brushes himself off, rolling his shoulder in pain.

Legolas mutters something about foolish, stubborn dwarves, and instructs the three of us to follow him, as his elf eyes can see better than our dwarves ones can.

"Are you alright?" I ask Fili quietly, and he nods.

"Just a bit sore from being shoved to the ground. Nothing major." He winks at me, sending a hot blush to my cheeks. Even though we are courting, our braids and beads proof of it, he never fails to keep the butterflies swarming in my stomach like when we first met.

He must've noticed, because he laughs at my expression and blush.

"Still got it, eh brother?" Kili smirks at Fili from the other side of me. I roll my eyes, and Kili laughs as well.

"Of course brother dearest," Fili continues, but I cut them both short.

"Why don't we focus on the serious task at hand, boys?"

They both lower their heads, smiles gone, and mumble apologies.

Legolas shouts something and nocks an arrow, aiming it at Azog's chest.

Fili, Kili, and I encourage Legolas, and he releases the arrow. It embeds itself in Azog's heart, and he looks surprised for a moment before dropping to the frozen river, dead.

Thorin's head snaps up to see us, and he grins broadly.

The line of Durin will survive.

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