Rugs From Me To You (Company x Reader)

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This will probably be short, but I hope you like it ☺️ in this one you were transported from the modern world to Middle Earth

Start the song at the 🎶


You sat on the ground, having just finished your supper, grinning at the dwarf beside you.

He seemed to feel your intense gaze, so he turned to see what you wanted. "What is it, (y/n)?" he asked.

"Nothing, Dwalin," you replied in a shaky voice, trying very hard to hold back laughter.

He raised an eyebrow, not buying your response. "You have that look in your eye. The same one Fili and Kili get when they're about to fool with somebody."


You gave up and scooted a little closer to him, took a deep breath, and began to sing.

"Toupée or not toupée, that is the question," you sang to Dwalin,

You turned to Oin and Dori "It refused to stay as it all turned gray, Oh William Shakespeare's receding hair,"

You quickly got up and moved to sit between the Durin boys a couple logs down, "Please excuse the pun: it's hair today, gone tomorrow," you sang to Fili (who laughed heartily), knowing he'd appreciate the joke,

"So be thankful for what precious locks you have," you sang, turning to Kili and caressing his dark hair, then kissing his stubbly cheek,

"Toupée or not toupée, that is the question," you sang across the campfire to Balin, who grinned at you, happy to see you enjoying yourself,

"And by the way, I just gotta say,
thank the Lord I'm not going bald!" you sang, acting over-relieved in Dwalin's direction,

"And if I may quip, my curls and I are just like heaven," you bounced your curly (h/c) hair, smiling,

"'cause rest assured, there'll be no parting there," you danced with Bofur, who twirled you around and around,

"But should my head get bare like Friar Tuck," you sang with a scared expression, once again turning to poor Dwalin, who was growing rather tired of all this,

"Hard chase to swallow, it makes me smile,

'cause I know just what I'd do," you approached Thorin with a maniacal grin on your pretty face,

"Yeah, if I had more wigs than I knew what to do with,"

I'd open a secondhand store,"

You turned to Dwalin once more, "And if you ever went bald,
you'd recall it 'cause I'd cleverly call it:

"Rugs from Me to You!!"

This is essentially what happens when I try to write and listen to my favorite music at the same time, and what goes through my head 24/7
Hope you liked it!

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