Come Here Often? (Kili x Hobbit!Reader)

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You chuckled at the scene that was unfolding in the Green Dragon. Two hobbit men were having a showdown of sorts, seeing who could drink the most ale before passing out. The older gentleman who was overseeing the contest shouted the name of the winner when the other hobbit fell over, too drunk to stay awake.

You laughed, setting down the mug you were drying, and turned to the owner of the local pub. "Am I good to leave, Rupa?" you asked.

The middle-aged woman nodded to you with a grin on her face. "Absolutely, my dear (y/n)! See you tomorrow?"

"As always!" you sang, and marched out of the front door, bidding drunk and sober guests alike a fond farewell.

You strode down the pathway leading to your hobbit hole. Well, the one you and your elder brother Bilbo shared. However, when you arrived at the door, you heard an unusually loud ruckus on the other side. It reminded you much of what you heard on a daily basis at your work, the Green Dragon.

Smiling, you pushed the round green door open and stepped inside. "Bilbo!" you called out, and some of the noise seemed to die down, or lull for a moment at least. "Bilbo, where are you?"

Your brother trotted up to you through the hall that led to the dining room, his face plastered with a look of worry. "Why, Bilbo! Whatever is wrong?" you asked anxiously.

"The...They-they're all...the f-food, the pantry, I..." Bilbo could not seem to form a coherent sentence, completely strung out and stressed.

You patted his arm comfortingly and strode into the dining room, where the noise had picked back up to a crescendo.

As soon as you came into view of the dining room, you were met with a sight that stopped both your feet and your heart.


12 of them. All sitting around your dining table and eating your food.

Apparently you were a sight to behold as well, as all conversation, movement, and noise had completely stopped. Every eye was turned to look at you, which caused you to blush. You guessed the attention was mostly because of your dress, which was a bit revealing in the chest area, as was the wench style you were required to wear at the Green Dragon. But it also probably was because you were a woman.

Bilbo came running into the room, glaring at the dwarves and standing protectively close to you. "(Y/n), I forgot to ask, what are you doing home so early? I thought you wouldn't be back until near midnight."

You shrugged, breaking your gaze with the certain young dwarf with long, dark brown hair and naught but stubble for a beard and turning to your brother. "Miss Rupa let me go early. Said she could handle the rest herself."

Some of the conversation at the dining table was returning in the form of whispered hush, making the atmosphere a tad less awkward.

"Are you hungry, sister?" Bilbo called from the pantry, where he was searching for  any scraps of food that the dwarves may have missed in their raid or left behind.

"I am, quite," you shouted back, setting your rucksack you had brought to work onto a chair nearby. "Have we got anything good, or shall I just go back to the Green Dragon and get something there?"

The dwarf you had been gazing at earlier stood up with his plate full of food held out to you. "You can have mine, if you like, miss."

You paused, turning to face him, your eyes glinting with joy at his offer. "Oh..thank you," you murmured, taking the plate from him, a huge smile on your face.

He left the table and joined you at your side. "Might I ask you of your name?" he ventured to ask.

You looked up from your plate full of food and smiled. "(Y/n) Baggins. I'm Bilbo's younger sister." You could've sworn you saw his eyes brighten, as if he was excited at the prospect that you were not courting Bilbo. "And what might I call you, Master dwarf?"

Kili smirked and bowed, "Kili, at your service, my lovely lady."

You returned the smile, repeating his name over and over in your mind, and loving it more and more each time you did.

For EleanorLearn , this was WAY too much fun to write!!😂😂

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now