Biscuits! (Thorin x Daughter!Reader)

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For EnyaFeder


Thorin, (Y/n), and their little daughter Roselynne strolled through the royal markets that were held within the walls of Erebor itself. Fili and Kili strutted ahead of the royal couple, with Roselynne in between them, both of them holding one of her tiny hands.

"Look, Rosie!" Kili cried, catching the dwarfling's attention. With a grin she turned to see her cousin pointing at a stand selling hair clips, homemade ones, with fabric and lace flowers adorning them. She squealed in excitement, and tugged on her cousin's hands.

"Let's go look!" she screeched, and the two princes gladly obliged, showing off proud grins as they purchased hair things for their little cousin.

"They do spoil her so," (Y/n) chuckled, and her husband, Thorin, laughed as well.

"They quite enjoy having a little one around to dote upon."

"You do too, Thorin," (Y/n) reminded the King, but he simply shrugged.

"How can I not? All I wish is to see Rosie happy," he contemplated with a smile. "You as well, my love," he added, taking his Queen's hand and kissing it gently. She blushed and sighed happily, watching her nephews laugh with her daughter, using little animal hand puppets to 'eat' her face.

Thorin smiled and approached the trio, his boots thumping against the stone floor. Fili, Kili, and Rosie looked up at the King, and the little girl squealed and held up her arms.


Oh how Thorin adored to hear that word come from his little girl. He was her adad, the man who would always love and protect her with all that he had.

Thorin smiled and bent to pick up Rosie, and she quickly wrapped her strong little arms around his neck. "Are you ready to go home, my little ghivashel?" he asked tenderly, smoothing strands of her midnight hair from her face. "Your Aunt Dís is making biscuits."

Rosie gasped. "Biscuits?!" Thorin nodded with a huge grin on his face, pleased to see his baby girl so happy. "I love biscuits!! Let's go!!"

The troupe headed towards the grand staircase that would eventually lead to the hall that contained the royal chambers, ready for some of Lady Dís famous cocao and mint biscuits.

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