Languishing (platonic sisterxsister oneshot)

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Okay, confession time. I really love an OC I've made for this fandom. Remember Charlene, from the first oneshot I did in this book? No? Well look back, she's there. She's your baby sister (toddler, baby, whatever). So in this oneshot, she's here, but she's around 6 years old or so. Get ready for some movie quoting, and grab some tissues. Enjoy!
Ps, I'm not going to follow the script from the movie clip exactly, just enough to mirror the feelings.










Teaching big words to your little sister Charlene was something you'd always done. It wasn't always your teaching that made Charlene say such unexpectedly brilliant things from time to time. She was naturally super smart. But you and her had this little sister-to-sister tradition of learning a new big word every day.

One day, as you, Charlene, Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Frodo were staying at the inn at the Prancing Pony (for reasons that would be too great in magnitude to explain; to be said quickly, you had decided to go along on a miniature adventure with the four hobbits, and your sister Charlene had snuck off, following you, which made her a part of the small quest now too), a pack of orcs attacked. Luckily for everyone, Aragorn and Gandalf had tagged along. They completely destroyed the orcs, but not before some damage had already been done.

Some of the populace had been slaughtered, and some buildings badly damaged, but thanks to Aragorn and Gandalf, all casualties were a minimum. Except for yours.

For some reason, an orc had attacked you specifically. He hadn't cut you in any way, just picked you up and thrown you against a stone wall of the inn, hurting you so badly on the inside that you knew there was no way you'd be able to be mended.

So there you lay, on a stone rafter in the ceiling, facing the floor and your arms half dangling from the rafter.

You were all alone, contemplating how your loved ones would handle your death, until Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, and your little sister Charlene finally found you. They were all smiling, glad that you seemed okay.

"All the orcs are gone, (y/n)!" Charlene exclaimed happily. "Aragorn and Gandalf killed them all! Isn't that wonderful?"

You smiled weakly. "Yes, that's wonderful."

Frodo spoke up. "They did leave us, though. Gandalf said they had to follow the few orcs that ran off. Maybe they'll lead him to something important."

Samwise could tell something was wrong with you. He nudged Frodo and whispered in his ear, whatever he said about you causing Frodo's blue eyes to widen. They spread the word amongst the other two hobbits, and their reactions were the same, their eyes all smarting with tears. No one told Charlene.

"Now we can all go back to the Shire! We'll have so many stories to tell!" Charlene bounced excitedly on the balls of her feet.

"Charlene," you murmured. "I don't think I'll be able to make it back to the Shire."

Your little angel of a sister looked up at you with curiosity written all over her face. "Why not, (y/n)?"

"Because, I'm languishing."

Pippin held back a sob.

"What does 'languishing' mean?" Charlene asked eagerly, ready to learn a new word today.

You paused, drawing a weary breath. "It means I'm dying."

Charlene's eyes went wide with fear, anguish, and disbelief. "No! Y-you can't die!!"

"Charlie," you gently scolded, "we are born, we live, and when our time comes, we die. It's just the natural cycle of life."

Tears were now streaming freely down everyone else's faces. You however, stayed completely calm, at peace with the fact that you were going to perish very soon, and that your sister would be well taken care of by your friends.

"No, no. Just climb down." Charlene's voice shook with sorrow. "We'll carry you back to the Shire, and I'll take care of you!"

"No, Charlene. I don't even have the strength to climb down."

"You have to. You're my sister. I can't live without you, (y/n)." Your heart hurt to see your little sister like this. So smart. So much potential. So filled with wonder. Yet so broken. "You've done so much for me. With me."

"And it was my greatest pleasure." You could feel your strength fading fast. You looked to Frodo, and he seemed to understand. He approached Charlene and put a hand on her shoulder. She began to tremble.

"What am I gonna do without you, (y/n)?"

With the last of your strength, you gave her a weak smile. "You'll go on to be the greatest hobbit this world has ever known. But now it's time for you to leave."

Frodo and Merry took each of Charlene's little hands and began to lead her away from your soon to be resting place.

Charlene's chocolate brown eyes were now overflowing with bitter tears, and she said with a quavering voice, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

The hobbits started their journey home, and Charlene looked back once more to see you struggling to keep your eyes open and watch your sister walk back to the Shire.

Your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks as you fought to keep your eyes open. "Goodbye, my sweet, sweet Charlie."

"Goodbye, (y/n)."

And with that, your eyes slowly close, your muscles finally relaxed, and your last feeble breath was coaxed out of your broken form.

R.I.P. (Y/N)

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now