I've Got You (Dwalin)

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For EleanorLearn , it might be short, we'll see 😉 the timeframe for this short is before the journey, when the dwarves of Erebor are living in the Blue Mountains
Coincidentally, I am listening to One Call Away by Charlie Puth on Pandora, so I'm gonna include that song in a YouTube video above🔝 play it whenever you want💙


You sighed as you sank to the forest floor, crunchy with dead grass. Once again, you had gotten yourself into quite the scrape. Technically you hadn't done anything that would've naturally led towards trouble, but the odds just must not have been in your favor this time around.

You had only gone to find some wild blackberries maybe a league from your home in the Blue Mountains, when a pack of orcs had attacked and taken you hostage. You tried kicking, punching, biting, and screaming for a while (as you had poorly chosen to take no weapons with you), but you soon realized it was futile. There was one of you, and about a hundred of them.

There was no way you were going to get out of this one.

After a few hours of being kidnapped, you started to recognize the path the orcs were taking. This was the way to Dwalin's house! You had followed that path an innumerable amount of times, either to bring him pies and cookies and things like that, or just to chat. There was no mistaking that's where you were headed.

You knew positively that once you were within yelling distance of Dwalin's house, he could save you.   There was no way he couldn't slay all those orcs. Have you seen him?!

As soon as you and the orc pack came into the clearing in which Dwalin lived, your eyes locked on his house. He had obviously heard the noise, as he was now storming out of his front door, armed with axes and knuckle dusters alike.

>>>later, after Dwalin kills all the orcs (awesomely) and rescues you<<<

You clung to Dwalin, your arms slung around his neck, the rest of your abnormally petite form (dwarrowdams are usually very hardy) in his strong hands. You were sobbing uncontrollably, terrified by your experience with the orcs, and relieved to have been saved from them. Dwalin looked down at you, broken down to tears in your pitiful state, a rare look of sympathy in his eyes.

"It'll be alright, (y/n)," he cooed comfortingly as he carried you over the threshold of his house. He instantly thought of how he'd love to carry you like this after your wedding...but who would want to be with a war-hardened dwarf like him?

He gently set you on his sofa, murmuring into your ear that he'd be right back with a blanket. You hugged your elbows and took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself. You didn't want to look so weak in front of the strongest dwarf, much less the one you fancied.

You blushed a bit at remembering how he had carried you over his threshold, how warm his embrace was, how strong his arms felt as they held you secure against his chest. Biting back a giggle, you swept the sloppy tears off of your face with your sleeve.

True to his word, Dwalin soon returned with a warm looking woolen blanket, dyed red and deep blue, rich colors representing royalty. It had been a gift to the burly warrior from his best friend, Thorin Oakenshield. He carefully wrapped it around your shoulders, and you smiled shyly, grasping the edges and pulling one side closer to yourself, and holding the other side out like a wing. You looked to Dwalin with a pleading gaze in your eyes.

"Won't you join me, Master Dwalin?" you asked with your best begging voice, being sure to pooch out your bottom lip just a bit.

Dwalin smirked and settled himself beside you, taking the open side of the enormous blanket and wrapping it around himself, which led his arm to rest on your torso as you both leaned back into the back of the sofa.

The both of you blushed a bit at the contact, but you just closed your eyes and cuddled closer into his toned chest in comfort.

Someday Dwalin's dream and your dream alike of the both of you crossing that threshold once again under a different kind of relationship would come true, as would many many more dreams of yours. But for now, the two of you just enjoyed each other's presence as you comforted each other.

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