Love Like Thunder (Kili)

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Requested by my mellon EleanorLearn , it might be short, but I hope you like it 😊 a tweaked one minor detail, hope you don't mind😅


"Come on, (y/n)! We're almost there!" Kili yells at me from the top of the hill.

I grunt and sigh, sweat dripping down my forehead and soaking through the neck of my tunic. We have been hiking for over two hours; Kili said he was going to teach me how to properly shoot with a bow! Where on earth are we going?!

"We'd better almost be there! I'm bloody exhausted!" I shout back to him. He just smirks and keeps on walking.

Finally, I reach the top of the hill, and am met with a grassy plateau, with a forest not three hundred feet ahead of us. The first line of trees were painted with targets, which I assumed we'd be using for target practice.

"Alright, this is it." Kili grinned and set down his heavy pack, filled with Mahal knows what. Probably food. "You ready to learn from the master?" he asks cheekily, and I snort.

"'The master,' hm?" I smirk back at him. He puts on a look of mock hurt.

"You don't think I'm the best there is, amrâlimê?"

I roll my eyes at his antics and take my bow off of my back and over my head. "Alright, are we going to learn sometime today?" I ask, not making eye contact, but rather checking the strength of my string.

He sighs and takes his bow and quiver off and sets them on the ground as well. "Right then, let's begin!"

He and I shoot well over thirty arrows, and by the time I sort of get the hang of it, black clouds quickly roll over the horizon behind us, heavy laden with rain.

"Um...Kili?" I question uneasily, and upon hearing the tone of my voice, my One looks up from searching for something in his pack to gaze upon me.

"Yes, love?"

"Should we find some shelter somewhere?" I point to the clouds coming towards us, now even faster.

Kili jumps up and starts flinging his things back onto his back. I do the same, and before I know it, we are running into the forest in front of us, hand in hand, in seek of shelter from the coming storm.

As we dodge trees and underbrush, a terrifying thought crosses my mind. "Kili?" I say quietly, which causes him to pause our running and look back at me. "What if..what if there's lightning? D-do you think it's a thunderstorm?" I can feel my hands start to shake in fear. Lightning has always been my greatest fear, and now being stuck outside in a thunderstorm is not making things any better.

He reluctantly nods. "I think it will be. But don't worry, there's a cave nearby, we'll stay there until the storm passes us by." He smiles reassuringly as he squeezes my hand, and a small smile reaches my lips. If I'm with him, I can do it.

We reach the dark, gaping cave not five minutes later, the thunder rumbling behind us, warning us of what is about to happen.

Kili sets down his pack and weapons, then looks to me. "I'm just going to gather some wood before the storm comes, so we can stay warm," he explains. "Stay here, alright?"

I nod, slipping my empty quiver off of my shoulder, and he jogs out of the cave's mouth.

While he is gone, I simply sit on the surprisingly dry floor, leaning against the wall. As I am thinking about how very much I love my One and how lucky I am to have him, my stomach lets out a loud growl of hunger. I laugh and crawl over to Kili's pack.

"Maybe he'll have something to eat in here.." I mumble to myself. The first thing I pull out of his leather sack is a heavy woolen blanket. It's my favorite one, dyed deep blue with peasant brown stripes and patterns on the edges. I hastily wrap it around my shoulders, letting it warm me, and continue to rummage through his pack, trying to find food.

Finding nothing but some bread, wild boisenberries in a bag, and salted pork wrapped in brown paper, I take a bit of the bread and sit back against the wall.

Out of nowhere, a huge flash of light illuminates the black sky, and I jump, almost choking on my mouthful of dry bread. My eyes are wide as saucers as the thunder booms deafeningly, and the rain begins to pour down in sheets.

I was about to pay it all no mind, when I remembered that Kili was still out there. It almost makes me laugh, thinking of him getting soaked.

In no time at all, Kili comes barreling into the cave, his arms full of wood, desperately trying to escape the turrential precipitation. "Mahal, that came out of nowhere!" he cries. He dumps the firewood on the floor and sits down by his pack, panting, when he sees it's been opened.

He looks to me for explanation, and notices the blanket around my fetal-positioned form, and the bread in my hands. He grins, and moves over next to me, taking the blanket off of me and then surrounding the both of us with it.

"Looks like we'll have to share," he points out, making me smile.

"That doesn't sound so bad," I agree as I move his wet raven hair out of his face.

He blushes a bit at the touch, and leans in, kissing me gently. "With you by my side," he whispers, "I'll be warm in no time."

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