Faith, Trust, and What?! (Thorin x Faerie!Reader) (Part 4) (Ending)

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(Y/N) woke up the next morning and quickly set to work, making a healthy and filling breakfast for every member of Thorin Oakenshield's Company. She had agreed with Thorin and Gandalf the previous evening to not only aid them on their journey by giving them provisions, but she wholly insisted on helping them more by accompanying them personally.

She followed them all the way to Erebor, fought beside them every time without question, and ended up staying in the newly found kingdom of Erebor. 

There she made a new life for herself as a healer and an alchemist, teaching others in Erebor and Dale how to make medicines, chemicals, and even how to raise animals and grow plants.

And it was there that she learned that maybe the best and happiest life, the one where you are the best you can be, fulfilled, is among those you love the most in the world. 

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