Side by Side (Fili x Hobbit!Reader)

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You stood next to Thorin Oakenshield, staring up at Fili, who was currently in the grasp of Azog the Defiler. You were his consort, and had joined the company because you just couldn't be apart from your One. The two of you had met at Bilbo's hobbit hole, since you were his younger sister. Fili and Kili had fought over you for a while, at least until Kili met Tauriel in the dungeons of Mirkwood. After that, you were all Fili's.

But now everything was spiraling out of control. It started with Thorin, after the dwarves (and Bilbo) had reclaimed Erebor and Smaug was dead. He succumbed to the dragon sickness, and chose war against the elves and men versus a peace treaty. Once he had fought off the corrupt mindset he had had, he led the dwarves of Erebor to war; to finish what he had started, and to fix the problems he had created. You had also charged among the rest, against everyone's wishes. You were a female and must be protected. But you swore you would stay by Fili's side no matter what, even if that meant fighting next to him.

Azog said something in his native tongue, looking down to you, Thorin, and Dwalin, from where he stood on the precipice of broken rock. He raised his sword and ran it through Fili's back, with such force that it stuck through his chest. He gasped in pain, you screamed in fear and rage, and Thorin could only stare, his blue eyes washed over with sadness and regret.

Azog dropped Fili, letting him plummet several feet to the hard, icy ground. You screamed his name and sprinted to his still form, falling to your knees in shock. You took his large hands in yours

"Fili! Fili, please talk to me!"

"(Y-y/n)?" he gasped, his voice strained and his breath ragged. He coughed, accidentally spitting a bit of blood onto your pale face, but you couldn't care any less.

"Fili, please stay strong! Please don't leave me! You're alright, you're alri-" You were interrupted by an arrow plunging itself into your stomach. Unbeknownst to you, Bolg had taken some time off to get rid of you. You couldn't think; you couldn't feel anything above the searing pain in your gut. 

You gasped and spluttered in pain, and fell onto your back, causing you to cry out from the jolt. You looked over to Fili, who now lay by your side, and slowly reached out to grasp his hand once more. Before you could get a word out, another arrow pierced your chest, burying itself into your heart. You cried out and gasped in agony, but forced yourself to focus on your lover, knowing that neither of you had much time left.

"F-Fili," you rasped, "Fili, lo-ove."

He slowly turned his head to gaze into your (e/c) eyes. "Yes, ghivashel?" he asked in a hoarse whisper.

"I-I love you.."

A small ghost of a smile graced his lips, and he squeezed your hand with all the strength he had left. "I love you a-as well, my One."

"I'm s-s-scared." Your voice cracked and trembled, uneven from the pain and blood loss. 

"We shall be fine, (y/n)," he assured quietly. "We shall see each other soon in the halls of our fathers."

You barely nodded, and allowed your body to relax.

Almost there, you thought to yourself, comforted by the thought that you and Fili would soon rest in peace, and be together forever.

You squeezed Fili's hand one last time, right before your spirit left your body, and his left his own.

You and Fili arrived immediately in the halls of Valinor, rejoicing when you were soon met with Kili and Thorin. Now you could truly live happily ever after.



Dwalin joined Bilbo on the ice next to Thorin's dead body, both weeping. They mourned over the  death of their King, his nephews, and Fili's One, (y/n). They never really got over it, and neither did the rest of the company. 

Bilbo returned home, to the Shire, and began to weep once more. 

His best friend was dead. His best friend's nephews were dead, dwarves he had bonded with. 

But mostly he mourned the death of his dear little sister, (y/n).

Requested by EleanorLearn, THIS IS SO SAD😭😭😭😭😭😭😭But I hope you enjoyed it

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