Bad Timing? (Bilbo x Hobbit/Human!Reader)

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You opened your eyes slowly, your head pounding and throbbing. Wincing in pain, you put a hand to your forehead, and rubbed softly as you re-closed your eyes, not wishing sunlight to pervade your vision.

"(Y/n)!" you very faintly heard your name being called, but you couldn't tell who it was. (Y/n)!!" It was closer now, and you could hear heavy footsteps slapping the ground as whoever it was was approaching you.

You opened your eyes just a crack, and suddenly saw a head of curly hair pop into your vision. You squeaked, startled, and jumped a bit. "Bilbo!"

Bilbo had finally found you, lying on the ground next to Thorin, the last of the line of Durin that you had been able to save, as you had already rescued Fili and Kili. The hobbit carefully helped you sit up and then wrapped his arms around you as tightly as he dared, knowing that you were to have some injuries, as well as spotting blood here and there on the tunic underneath your armor.

"(Y/n), I thought I was going to lose you!" he cried, and began to weep into your shoulder. Tears pricked your eyes as you realized how worried he really had been, and you gently pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Don't worry, Bilbo," you murmured, "you can't get rid of me that easily."

Bilbo pulled away, his face quite flushed. "Yes, well..." He cleared his throat and took your hands in his, looking you straight in the eye. "(Y/n), this may be a bad time to ask, but will you allow me the honor of courting you?"

You laughed merrily, even though your bruised ribs screamed at you to stop, and pulled Bilbo towards you to kiss him on the lips, taking him by surprise. "Yes!"

For IsilwenofRivendell 💙

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now