May I Have This Dance? (Fili)

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Okay EleanorLearn , I'm going to try my hardest to make this what you wanted. I looked up a video of the ballroom scene from Labyrinth like you suggested, and (as I've never seen the movie) found it pretty weird. 😂 but I will try!!

The outfit you shall be wearing tonight is 🔝🔝🔝🔝


You woke up to sunshine blinding you, not quite the most pleasant first experience of the day.

Your second, more pleasant experience was opening your eyes to see Fili kneeling by your bedside, apparently waiting for you to wake up.

"Hello, darling," you murmured groggily.

"Good morning, amrâlimê!" he replied happily, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "Happy birthday!"

You let a small, tired smile grace your lips, and closed your eyes once more. "It is my birthday, isn't it?"

"Yes it is, love," Fili affirmed with a grin. "And it'll be a day to remember."

You cracked an eye open. "Why's that?"

Fili only smirked down at me as he stood to leave. "You'll see. A maid will be coming by soon to help you get ready for the day. She'll tell you everything you need to know. Be in the main ballroom by suppertime."

You nodded hesitantly, unsure of what to make of all of this, but excited nonetheless.


You were decked out in a gorgeous dress that reached the floor, but thankfully didn't trip you up.

You finally made it to the huge ballroom, and entered through the enormous open double doors. You gasped at what you saw.

Everyone who was attending the ball, men and women alike, were wearing masks and costumes. It was like a masquerade!

You began to weave through the crowd, searching for the only one who could have orchestrated something this elaborate. Fili. But, search as you might, you just couldn't spot him. Even if you were to cross paths with him, you probably wouldn't recognize him for the mask he'd be wearing.

Eventually, you gave up and simply walked around the huge room, a few nobles here and there wishing you a happy birthday.

Although you couldn't help but notice the one person staring at you from across the table of refreshements. You gave him a funny look, and he took off his mask.

"Fili!" you cried, and ran into his open arms. "You did all of this?!"

He nodded and puffed out his chest proudly. "Do you like it, my little gem?"

You grinned enthusiastically. "I love it! Thank you!" You hugged him tightly, and he returned the embrace.

"Listen, amrâlimê," Fili started, taking a deep breath to soothe his nerves. "I love you very much, you know that. But..I share this love of mine with you..for as long as we both shall live. You are the world to me, ghivashel. My One." He got down on one knee and you gasped. "Will you be my wife, (y/n)?"

You could feel hot tears of joy steaming down your face as you screamed yes, losing track of time as Fili twirled you about in the air.

You two quickly became the happiest couple in all of Middle Earth.


Also, THIS IS OUR 100TH PART!!!!!  WHOOHOO!!!!

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