Adopted (Thorin x Adopted Daughter!Reader)

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For EnyaFeder , I hope this is what you're looking for!☺️ it might be short
The music attatched is just fun music, you can start it now💙


Thorin and his 'daughter' (y/n), whom he had rescued from a burning building when she was an infant (with no other survivors), were in the royal kitchens making cookies together.

Thorin was never one to be emotional or soft in front of others, but when he was with his little girl, he was a completely different person. He could almost never refuse her wishes, he'd always smile and laugh, and act silly with her. He'd braid her hair, have tea with her and her stuffed animal dolls, and help her dress herself.

But today, they were making cookies, which was (y/n)'s favorite thing to eat.

Thorin grinned as (y/n) stood on the wooden stool, the added height allowing her to see above the countertop. Her chocolate brown hair matched the sweet chips they'd be adding to the cookies, and they were always the next ingredient to add on (y/n)'s list.

But, Thorin insisted upon going in direct order as the recepie instructed. He guided (y/n)'s hands to the correct bowls of dry and wet substances, and when everything was mixed and placed on the metal sheet, Thorin placed it into the oven, making sure (y/n) was far away and did not hurt herself.

The dwarf king lovingly held his daughter in his arms, singing her a dwarvish lullaby, as her eyelids were growing heavy with exhaustion.

He smiled and gently kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back softly to comfort her in her sleep.

Nothing could change the love he had for his little girl.

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