Little Flower (Dwalin)

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"Run!!" Gandalf yelled, racing towards the entrance of the enormous house that lay before the Company. "Open the door, quickly!!" he shouted to the dwarves that had already made it to the door.

Dwalin noticed you were lagging a bit, falling to the back of the group out of exhaustion, the adrenaline of fear not enough to fuel you for the entire run. He grabbed your hand and pulled you along as he approached the huge wooden doors, and yanked you to the safety of the indoors as soon as Thorin unlatched the bolt on the door.

"Are ya all right, (Y/n)?" he asked quickly, panting heavily from exertion.

You smiled tiredly at his sweetness. You two had just began courting, and Dwalin was never afraid to show his love for you. Whether it be through actions or words, he always gave more than he got.

"I am fine, my love," you gasped, quite out of breath, and wrapped your arms around his strong torso in a hug. But much to your surprise, he roughly shook you off of him, and strode over to Thorin to have a word with the dwarf prince.

Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, you decided to let it be and see if Ori was doing well enough.

Later on, after 'most everyone had recovered from the gigantic bear's chase (whom you had learned was Beorn), you approached Dwalin once again, figuring he would be warmer and more accepting this time around. You walked across the hay covered floors to where your lover sat on a huge milking stool, frowning at the animal-occupied stalls.

"Hello, Fur Bear," you called him by his pet name, hoping that he would respond well by calling you by yours. You promptly bent down to peck his cheek and wrapped your arms about his shoulders, but this only seemed to worsen his mood.

"For Mahal's sake, woman!" he shouted as he ripped your arms off of him, eliciting a squeak of surprise from you, "can't you go five minutes without putting your hands all over me?!"

You shrunk down, your shoulders rising on either side of your head like they could protect you. Your hands instantly clasped together and seemingly embedded themselves in your stomach. You stared back into Dwalin's angry face, your eyes wide in shock and fright. "But-but we...always do that. What is wrong, love?-" you stepped towards him carefully, but he stood briskly, and now that he towered over you in quite the intimidating fashion, you skipped backwards and nearly fell, now thoroughly terrified.

"Just get out of here, (Y/n)!!" he roared, and you promptly skittered off to exit the huge barn through the even bigger doorway, ignoring concerned stares and calls from your fellow dwarves on your way out.

You made your way to the back of the structure, and sank to the ground, immediately bursting into tears. You curled up into a ball on your side, your body shaking with violent and confused sobs. Every time you sucked in a breath you could smell the sweet scent of growing grass and tiny white blooming flowers, and every time you cracked your eyes open you could see the bees and butterflies wandering around aimlessly. If only you could be as carefree as them right now.

You were not allowed to mourn for long, as a lone orc had heard your sobbing and came running, probably hoping he could snag you for his next meal. He sped towards you, screeching and howling horrifically, and you shakily got to your feet, a shriek spilling from your trembling lips. You fumbled around your belt to reach your dagger, but you could not hold it steadily as your limbs were shaking a great deal with fear and tears, the spasms causing you to weakly lower to your knees.

Before the orc could reach you however, an absolutely enormous man with a line of thick brown...was that fur? all the way down his spine attacked the orc with an axe. He successfully destroyed the orc, and as he began to drag the ugly creature to the border of his lands, you were surprised to find Dwalin running around the corner to see if you were all right. He had heard the commotion and couldn't stay away knowing you might be in any remote sort of danger.

Falling to his knees beside you, Dwalin pulled you onto the tightest hug you had ever received, kissing your hair repeatedly and apologizing profusely for his previous actions. He babbled on and on about how he would never yell at you again, how he would always keep his temper in check, how he would always be beside you to protect you, being sure to constantly call you his 'Little Flower,' which was your pet name.

"Oh shut up and kiss me already," you murmured with a smirk plastered confidently on your smug face, and sat up in your suitor's lap.

Dwalin immediately covered your lips with his in a fervent kiss, pouring out every ounce of his love for you.

Yes, it would be quite easy to forgive your Fur Bear.


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