New Addition (Company)

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Just some fluff! You are Bilbo's best friend in this and living with him, but it's platonic.


It had been only a few years since the reclaiming of Erebor and Thorin's coronation, but it felt like ages. Everyone had survived the battle for the mountain, and so there had been quite the feast and celebration. It had gone on for days and days, and by the time it had been going for a steady fortnight, Bilbo decided it was time for the two of you to go home.

So after tearful goodbyes, you and Bilbo were on your way back to the Shire.

And now you two were quite settled, once again (somewhat) respectable hobbits, even though the fact that you were not married to Bilbo and you still lived with him was a bit frowned upon, it did not deter you from staying, nor did it change Bilbo's mind about letting you live with him. He cared for you; you were his very best friend, ever since childhood.

You two had also recently adopted Bilbo's young nephew/cousin, Frodo. Frodo was merely a babe, only a few months old. You absolutely adored the baby hobbit, constantly holding him and doting on him.

As you were about to go check on Frodo, who was in his cradle sleeping, a heavy knock sounded at the door, startling you. A squeak left your lips, then a laugh, as you realized it was nothing of any harm, and you smiled as Bilbo ran to answer the door. You proceeded to Frodo's infant room, and saw that he was awake and nearly about to begin crying.

"Hello there, my little one," you murmured cheerfully, and he looked up at you, a small smile breaking out onto his chubby hobbit face. Just as you were lifting him from his warm spot in the cradle, you heard an excited shout from Bilbo on the other side of the hobbit hole, by the front door.

"What on earth.." You made your way through the halls with little Frodo in your arms, until you were back in the front room, and you gasped at what you saw.

The entire Company of Thorin Oakenshield. Every single one of them stood in the hallways and in the dining room and the pantry (not to anyone's surprise), and you nearly burst into tears, having missed them all so much.

"Hello, everyone!" you squealed with glee, and they all turned to face you with grins on their faces. Those smiles promptly disappeared however, when they saw the small baby nestled in your arms, replaced with looks of awe.

"Lass," Balin breathed as he slowly approached you and Frodo, "is this bairn yours?"

You laughed softly and shook your head. "No, dear Balin, he is Bilbo's nephew. He took him in after his parents died. His name is Frodo," you added as you bounced him gently in your arms.

"May I hold him, lass?"

"Of course," you nodded, and carefully transferred Frodo to Balin's waiting arms. He smiled and cooed at the infant, as others gathered 'round and took turns holding Frodo.

The only one who hadn't yet held and admired the baby was Dwalin, who stood off to the side with Thorin (who had already held the child), his arms crossed and a resting frown on his face.

You looked over to the burly warrior and called out, "Dwalin, don't you want to hold Frodo as well?"

Dwalin hesitated, taking a half step forward, then shook his head and leant back against the wall again. "No lassie, I'll pass."

"Oh come now," you protested with a smirk, refusing to take 'no' for an answer. You approached the paling warrior with the baby in your arms, and held him out for Dwalin to take. "Hold him."

Dwalin seemed not to know how to hold the child, holding his hands out awkwardly, but after a punch on the shoulder and an irritated glare from Thorin he straightened up, and took Frodo into his arms, properly cradling the little infant's head in the crook of his arm.

"See?" you whispered as you stroked Frodo's already thick curly black locks one more time, "not that hard."

Dwalin nodded, his eyes glued to the baby in his arms. His body was very stiff, and his face was a little pale, as if he was...scared. A grin made its way to your face as you peered into the warrior's wide eyes, which were glued to Frodo's.

"Dwalin? Are you scared?" you teased, causing Thorin to laugh a bit.

"Yes," he whispered, shocking both you and Thorin; neither of you had expected him to admit it, nor admit it so quickly.

"Why?" you asked in a more serious tone.

"I...I am afraid of hurting him. I'm not the kind children like automatically, and I'm not sure I'd be good with little ones anyway."

It broke your heart that he thought he might hurt the little hobbit. "You won't hurt him, Dwalin," you murmured comfortingly, "I mean look at him," you giggled at the baby. "He usually only falls asleep in Bilbo's arms, but he's taken quite the liking to you, I see!"

And for the first time in a long while, everyone present saw Dwalin truly smile with joy.

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now