No Peeking! (Fili x Hobbit!Reader)

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Being the niece of Bilbo did have its perks. You were adorable, much like your uncle but in a female sense, and you had a great talent of being about to sneak around and cause mischief.

But today, you were filthy. The entire company had been trekking for days on end with barely any rest, and absolutely zero chances to clean yourselves. You had been yearning for a bath, and now that you all were near a river, your dream would come true!

You slipped away from the Company, after letting your uncle know that you would be bathing alone of course, and silently skipped down to the riverbank. After carefully looking behind you to make sure no one followed, you quickly stripped off your dirty clothes, deciding that those could use a good scrubbing as well as your skin.

Hopping into the calm little river (and gasping for breath as the cold hit you like a smack in the face), you washed and scrubbed your traveling shirt and trousers against a rock, using a bit of the bar of soap you had been given to clean them. Once you finally finished, you laid them on the top of the rock to dry in the warm sunshine, and continued to clean yourself.

What you didn't know was that Fili was back at the camp wondering where you had gone off to (seeing as he had quite a thing for you). Deciding he'd look for you before asking questions, he wandered off towards the direction of the river he'd been told was nearby, figuring you'd be near there to gather drinking water.

What you also didn't know was that he found you...while you were bathing. You found out quick enough, though.

You were faced away from where the company was, submerged up to your shoulder blades, but that was enough to stop the blond prince in his tracks.

The bit of skin that did show through your dark, wet hair caused his breath to be caught in his throat, and the hiccup sound that came from him made you turn to see what was there.

His face was even more red when you turned (luckily for everyone your chest was beneath the cold water) and screamed, and he quickly closed his eyes, covering them with one hand for good measure.

"S-sorry!!" he yelled and turned, running back to camp with all the speed of a Ring-smelling Nazgul.

Once he arrived back at the camp, panting slightly and still as red as one of Bilbo's prize withers, every dwarf was looking his way.

"Is something wrong, laddie?" Balin questioned, although Bilbo secretly had figured out what had happened.

Fili shook his head and clearing his throat. "Naked-NOTHING! Nothing, nothing, nothing's wrong. Everything's fine." He briskly walked off after this, head down and eyes trained on his boots.

Bilbo only smirked.

EleanorLearn I hope this is what you wanted 😁😁

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