Short Chivalry (Bilbo)

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In this short you are a hobbit too, you decided to tag along on the adventure with Gandalf and the dwarves. ❤️

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Everything was black. Your head felt like it was being sat on by a hundred elephants. It was pounding, hard. You struggled to open your eyes, and it felt hard to breathe. You tried your hardest not to panic, but you could feel your heart rate speed up. You couldn't move anything, you were wrapped tightly in...something...

Then you suddenly remembered, you were in the diseased forest of Mirkwood, and had lost the path. You had spotted the hugest spider you had ever seen in your life, and screamed at the top of your lungs. The spiders took that as an attack, and had captured all of the dwarves and you too. As they wrapped you up last, you saw that Bilbo had broken out of his cocoon and stabbed a spider. Whatever happened next, you didn't see. While being wrapped up and swinging around, you had hit your head on a tree branch, knocking you out cold.

You eventually were able to open your eyes enough to barely see through some sort of white sticky fabric that was covering your face.

Is this...spider webbing?! you thought, panicking freely now. You hated spiders; they freaked you out. Nothing natural should be able to catch its food with something it squirts out of its butt.

You tried screaming for help, but it only came out as a muffled yelp, thanks to the spider webs cocooning your body.

You could hear other muffled voices around you, and you instantly knew that they were coming from the other dwarves that were being held hostage around you.

"Mmbmm!!" you tried to yell Bilbo's name. Nothing. You frantically tried again. "MMBMMM!!!!"

You heard several soft thuds below you, and you decided to believe it was the dwarves having been saved by Bilbo somehow rather than the spiders returning or enemies below.

Suddenly, you fell from where you were hanging. Your heart was in your throat as your fall was broken with other webs, and eventually you landed softly on the ground. You wriggled frantically to try and free yourself from your bonds.

Then the webbing was quickly ripped away from your face, and you sucked in the precious, clean oxygen. Your eyes popped open to see Bilbo's face directly above yours. "Bilbo!" you cried.

He blushed and pulled away, continuing to take off the webbing. "Yes, hello, (y/n)," hesaid awkwardly.

"Thank you for saving me," you said quietly, brushing your tangled (h/c) hair out of your face and sitting up.

Bilbo smiled and sat back, ignoring Thorin's calls for him to come. "You're welcome, (y/n). Any time you need me, I'll be there." He winked at you and ran off to answer Thorin.

Hobbit and Lord of the Rings oneshots, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now