My Best Friend's Brother (Fili)

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For EleanorLearn , sorry if this seems rushed..💙💙 also I tweaked your request juuuuuuuuuuuuust a bit...sorry...



"Come on, (y/n)!" your father called to you, you being a young dwarrowdam at the time, at the tender age of 65. He was going to take you to Ered Luin to train you for battle. It was a skill that someday you, and probably everyone (at least in your father's opinion), would need at some point. Deep down, your father hoped you would never have to be engaged in a battle or war of any kind, especially since you were a girl. But in this day and age, you just never know.

"Coming, Adad!" you squealed excitedly, turning to your best friend, Kili, to say goodbye. It almost looked like his lower lip was trembling a bit, like he was about to cry. This shocked you; you never thought he would be the type to get emotional. He was only a couple of years older than you, but you two were bonded in the tightest of friendships. You did everything together, you knew everything about each other, including each other's secrets. You two were inseparable.

And now he was going to lose you.

"It's okay, Kili," you said softly as you stepped forward and pulled him into a firm hug. He squeezed back and buried his face in your loosely flowing (h/c) hair. "I'll be back from training before you know it."

Kili nodded and sniffed, then with one last squeeze of an embrace, pulled away smiling. "It won't feel like a day has passed once you return," he added, almost to encourage but himself.

You smiled and turned to Fili. Your situation with Fili was...different. Delicate. Complicated.

You didn't like him like you liked Kili.

You liked Kili for his sense of humor, his skill with the bow, his boisterous laugh.

Fili, admired his sparkling sky blue eyes, the way the beads on the ends of his braided mustache swayed and danced when he talked, how his joyful, guffawing, contagious laugh would carry through a room, the regal yet friendly way he carried himself.

There was no denying you fancied the eldest son of Durin.

But there was no way you could tell him that.

So you kept it a secret, and so did Kili (thank Illúvatar).

But now you had to tell him goodbye, the beginning of a separation that would last at least a good 10 years. That was a long time to be away from the one who made you feel alive and happy.

"Well, I suppose this is goodbye for now, Fili." You spoke quietly, not wishing him to hear your voice crack with emotion, had it decided to treat you so cruelly.

Fili nodded, and pulled you into a warm hug, which you gladly returned with matching vigor. "I shall miss you," he murmured into your ear whilst rubbing your back comfortingly and keeping an eye on your father, who was keeping an eye on him.

You nodded, and rubbed your nose on your sleeve in quite an unladylike manner, a habit you had picked up from Kili. "I shall miss you too," your voice trembled a bit, and you cleared your throat in order to speak correctly again.

"I know you'll do well, (y/n). You're already a good fighter; I can see it. This training will be nothing for you."

You smiled and blushed shyly through your tears, and backed up a step at hearing your father call your name once more from down the road. "I-I must go," you stammered, waving one last time as you ran down the path as fast as your strong dwarf legs could carry you, reaching your father in no time.

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