I've Got You (Dwalin) (Part 2)

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This one might be shorter than the last one, sorry EleanorLearn... :'(


Dwalin kept you close the whole time you were in Goblin Town, never once leaving your side. Bofur had slammed his funny hat onto your head, disguising from the fact that you were a woman, something that ended up saving your life. If the goblin king were to have found out you were female, it would not have ended well for you.

He had his arms around you still when you discovered that Bilbo was missing. But when they heard the wargs and began to run, you had gotten separated from your One.

You quickly climbed up a large pine tree, as Gandalf had ordered of everyone, and watched as the orcs and wargs came into view.

You could not believe your eyes. It was Azog!!

Before you knew it, all the dwarves (plus Gandalf and Bilbo) were in one tree that was on fire and leaning heavily over the cliff, threatening to topple and fall at any given moment.

Tears were streaming down your face, and not just because of the smoke stinging your eyes. Thorin had run down the length of the tree, attempting to attack and hopefully defeat the pale orc.

But he had been unsuccessful, and was knocked down repeatedly by Azog, perched on his white warg.

Bilbo seemed to have a match struck within him when he saw this, his best friend attacked and in mortal danger. He drew his little letter opener of a sword, and followed in Thorin's footsteps to save him, tackling the orc that was about to behead the dwarf prince.

You took heart in this sight, and were the second to run down the tree and assist Bilbo, despite hearing all of Dwalin's shouts at you to stay put.

You unsheathed your beautiful dwarvish sword and killed orc after orc and warg after warg, and eventually noticed the rest of the Company fighting all around you. They must've gotten off the tree as well.

Every dwarf fought amongst the foes and flames, until the giant eagles Gandalf had summoned arrived.

One by one, the eagles grabbed wages and orcs in their talons and dropped them over the side of the cliff, letting them fall to their well-deserving deaths. They also picked up the dwarves and threw them over the side, only to fall gently onto the back of a waiting eagle.

As you rode the eagle, letting the wind comb its chilly fingers through your hair, you noticed Thorin in the delicate grasp of an eagle.

"Thorin!!" Fili shouted from the back of the eagle he was sharing with his brother, obviously in distress at the sight.

I hope he's all right, you thought to yourself.

"(Y/n)!" you heard Dwalin call behind you. You turned to look, and sure enough, there he was, perched on the enormous bird's back, his eyes full of worry for you. "Are you all right?"

"Yes!" you shouted back over the rush of the wind.

"Are you sure?" he asked once more, causing you to roll your eyes. "You're bleeding!" Your eyes snapped wide open at this statement, and checked yourself for any wounds.

Sure enough, you had a slice on your arm (it had ripped your sleeve, unfortunately), and it was bleeding pretty badly. You quickly squeezed the wound with your other hand, trying to stifle the bleeding a bit.

Once the eagles landed, Dwalin was the first to jump off of his and run to you. He wrapped his arms around you in a sweet hug, but quickly let go to let Oin patch you up. But when he was done, the grizzly old dwarf turned to Dwalin, who was standing nearby, and they shared a knowing look.

Oin left to assist other injured dwarves, and Dwalin stepped closer, a slight blush creeping up his neck. "Lass," he began, "...I am going to have to check you for more injuries."

"Yes.." you trailed off, confused as to why he was so shy about it.

"You..you're going to have to take..take off yer shirt, lassie," he said quietly and discreetly looked at the ground, avoiding your gaze.

You smirked and took off your outer shirt and tunic, leaving you in your trousers and undershirt, which mostly just covered your breasts. "All right," you murmured, and Dwalin looked back up at you, sure to keep his eyes on yours and not look down, except to check you for injuries.

He quickly did so, and you noticed that the whole time his back was turned from the rest of the group that Fili and Kili were staring at you, grins evident on their faces.

"What do you want, sons of Durin?" you called. Dwalin's head instantly snapped to look in their direction, and as soon as he saw the fact that they were ogling you (and obviously enjoying doing so), his face turned redder with not shame, but anger.

"Avert your eyes, you pigs!" he yelled furiously at them. "Do not eye Miss (Y/n) as if she were some piece of meat! She is a lady, and she should be treated as such! You are better than this!"

Fili and Kili hung their heads and apologized, and you appreciated it, even though you thought Dwalin had been a bit overboard and overprotective. The thought of Dwalin loving you so much as to go to the lengths of yelling at the princes made you laugh, and you pulled Dwalin into a hug.

The burly warrior blushed redder than ever, as you weren't wearing a lot of clothing. Which only made you giggle more. "Awww, is my big grumpy ol' bear embarrassed?" you asked in a babying voice, causing Dwalin to blush all over again. A scowl planted itself on his face, and you planted several sloppy kisses on his face, loving every second of your embrace, and knowing full well that he did too.

As you donned your shirt and tunic once more, you addressed the dwarf you called your love. "You're really cute when you do that, you know."

He turned to face you with a confused look. "Do what?"

"Blush like that," you giggled. "Whenever you get flustered. It's adorable."

Dwalin shook his head and planted a quick kiss on your lips. "You're lucky I love you," he teased. 

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

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