Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue (Fili x Reader)

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Requested by TheAvenged , thank you, and this will be the last quickshot of the night. I promise I'll publish the others tomorrow afternoon (I have church so that takes up time haha!). In this quickshot you are Bofur/Bombur's youngest sister! Enjoy!


You were getting your bedroll laid out and ready for the night. You had been traveling with Thorin's company all day, and you were exhausted. You could only imagine how tired the ponies were. As you stood back up and straightened out your tunic and trousers (dresses were quite inconvenient on adventures), you saw someone approaching you out of the corner of your eye. It was Fili, one of Thorin's nephews. The Prince of Erebor. The one whom you fancied.

You blushed at the thought of Fili possibly returning your feelings, but of course that would never happen. You were the daughter of a toy maker, sister to toy makers, a rising toy making prodigy yourself, nothing more. Nothing that was worthy of royalty, that's for sure. Nevertheless, you could not quench the heart-pounding love you felt for the Prince.

Fili smiled as he neared you, one of his hands behind his back. You instantly became alert, figuring this was yet another prank. Fili noticed this and frowned, holding his free hand out as an appeasing gesture. "No no, (y/n)," he said calmingly. "No tricks this time." He brought his other hand out from behind his back to reveal a small bouquet of blue wildflowers, your favorite color.

You squealed excitedly, and reached for the flowers, bringing them to your nose and breathing in deeply. "Mmmnnhhh..." you sighed happily. "These are absolutely lovely, Fili! Where did you find them?"

His cheeks turned a bit pink. "Over there, a bit deeper into the forest," he gestured behind him.

You smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Fili. I love them." You stood on your tiptoes and kisses his cheek, causing his heart to pound tremendously and his stomach to flop around like a fish out of water. His blush turned even deeper red.

"Y-you're welcome..(y-y/n).." he stuttered shyly, and walked back to his grinning younger brother, who winked at you from afar. He had known about you fancying his elder brother, and kept trying to prod Fili in the right direction: you.

Awww, spring-time love! If only I had some...

Anyway, thanks for reading guys! I promise I'll finish the rest of the quickshots tomorrow!


What's your favorite flower? Let me know in the comments here➡️
and if it's the same as mine, I'll feature YOU in the super special 'Faith, Trust, and What?!' Part 2!!
You must comment your favorite flower and your character's name to be eligible to win. Nothing more, nothing less. If you wish to comment about something else, please do not do it in the assigned commenting section for the contest. Thank you, and good luck!

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