Rags to Riches (Kili x Dwarrowdam!Reader)

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Also how cute is Kili/Aidan Turner?!?!

This is for the lovely EleanorLearn, I hope you like this!

Just as a quick side note: you know how I do separations with emojis? Well, my laptop doesn't have those, so in order to publish things faster, when I write on my laptop, I'm going to use regular symbols as separations. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


Kili sped along the narrow boardwalk of Goblin Town, slaughtering any goblins that came his way, and making sure to keep the company within view, so that he wouldn't get lost in a place like this.

He didn't get very far before he heard a desperate cry.

"Help me! Help me, please!!" It was definitely a woman's voice, and it grabbed his attention like he had nothing else in the world to do. Kili looked around frantically, his hair sticking to the sweat on his face as he whipped his head back and forth.

He finally spotted the owner of the voice, a young lass in a goblin cell. A young dwarf lass.

"I'm coming!" he cried, and sliced his way through hordes of goblins to make his way to her. "Sit tight, I'm going to get you out of here," he said soothingly, simply yanking the crude door off of its weak hinges. He hurried inside and helped the girl to her feet (her bare feet), and noticed that she was quite thin, abnormally thin for anyone. She looked as if she might not've eaten for days, maybe a week.

Feeling a painful twinge of pity, Kili ushered her out of the cell, and scooped her up bridal style, carrying her down the wooden walkway that led through Goblin Town, catching up to his uncle and the rest of the company.

>>>timeskip to Bard's house in Laketown brought to you by Alfrid getting hit in the head with an egg by two old ladies<<<

(Y/n) frantically healed Kili's leg with the Aethelas (kingsfoil) that Bofur had found and given her, chanting and murmuring in Elvish. She had been raised by elves, and thus had been taught by them how to perform basic magic, such as healing exercises.

Once all the poison was out of Kili's system, (Y/n) bound his leg with a strip of cloth, and smoothed the sweaty hair off of his forehead and out of his eyes.

He looked tiredly up at her and weakly took her hand in his, telling her all about how sweet she was, how beautiful she was, and how much he loved her. He was delirious from the medicine, but it had all come from the heart.

(Y/n) leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. They were still a bit warm from his fever that had only broken a short while ago, and (Y/n)'s brow furrowed in worry. She took an unused rag, dipped it in the cold water beside the table Kili was using as a bed, and laid it across his forehead.

Exhausted from nearly dying, Kili did not have enough energy to say anything anymore, or barely open his eyes, he could only give her a weak smile. (Y/n) grinned at the sight of his relief and comfort, and she kissed him once more, more than happy to have him alive.

>>>timeskip to BotFA brought to you by Beorn's serving animals<<<

Everyone had argued against letting (Y/n) fight in the battle, but she had insisted. If Kili, her One, was going to risk his life for Erebor, then by Mahal so would she.

Kili, Fili, and (Y/n) were scouting some areas when you spotted Bolg.

"Fili!" Kili and his One cried together, "please stay here! We will need you!"

And so Fili stuck with the two of them, watching their backs and helping them in the slaughter of Azog's spawn.

After Bolg was dead, the trio rushed to see if Thorin was still alive, and they were all thrilled to see that he was alive, thanks to Bilbo, who had leapt in front of Thorin and had deflected the blow of Azog's...arm-sword thing.

Kili grabbed (Y/n)'s waist and pulled her flush against him, kissing her with all the fervor of love and victory. (Y/n) broke the kiss with a grin and simply said, "I love you, Kili."

Kili smiled back, "I love you too, ghivashel."

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